Nervous about opening up my diary to the public.



  • Bells622
    Bells622 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for all the feedback everyone. You've made me feel like this is a comfortable environment to share in. I've opened up my diary to the public and we'll see how that goes. I do always have the option to set it to private again. It is great having so much support here!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Mine's open, feel free to peruse. I'm mostly pretty good, occasionally less good. I log every single thing that goes into my mouth.
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story; it is amazing... I mean, I have changed my mind totally because I dont see it as a diet but I am more onto you - I mean, that it´s a change of lifestyle..

    and the other thing, you dont have to show your diary to others - unless you want to.. There are ways so you can check them up; as in either having it public, just friends or even with an access code...

    Be awesome; be yourself..

    ditto what she said :)
    I'm one of those who have my diary open to friends only. No one has ever made the slightest negative comment. I don't know who does or doesn't look it over. If someone made an insulting or critical comment, then I would realize they are not my friend and I would defriend them immediately. I make good choices and also much-less-than-the-healthiest choices. There was a day last week that I changed it to private for the simple fact that I had a moment where I didn't want everyone to know my choices that day. But then I realized that I wasn't being honest with myself to do that. After all, it is a tool for me to use. I realized that my choices are my own and I really don't care who looks my choices over and what their opinion is. I enjoy having the ability to browse my friends diary's as I am able to make an informed praise. If I can't say something nice, then I'd rather not say anything at all. If I see that someone has been making healthier choices more often than not, then I can enthusiastically reply with a giant "WTG!!!" or "Great Job!"... but if someone is constantly under their calories then I know they aren't losing weight in a healthy manner and so I worry about them. 1200 is the MINIMUM... not the maximum.
  • Rockindreamer
    the only thing i usually say anything about is those that severely under eat and those who dont track sodium. Sodium is the biggest weight loss sabotager and under eating isnt healthy. I only comment if asked for diary advice. And if i have a friend under eating i say something if they choose to continue, i unfriend them i wont watch a friend be unhealthy.
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    Mine is open for anyone, and as far as I know, I don't think anyone has ever looked at it. I haven't gotten any comments, much less negative ones. I am open to suggestions, but I view them as that, and make my own decisions. My partner, who is also losing on MFP makes comments and doesn't seem to quite get it that men and women are fairly different on this particular journey. But I listen, try what sounds helpful, and ignore the rest. I know I have to figure out what works for me and what I can live with. I was bummed this morning when I entered my newest weight and MFP dropped my calories down to 1210. Ouch.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Mine is open to the public. I've never received a snarky comment. My friends here at MFP will comment on it sometimes, but it's always in a positive/supportive way.

    If I did receive a snarky comment, I'd ignore it. I don't care what others think about what I eat. If they have actual advice, great, new insight is always good, but otherwise, it's my diary. :happy:
  • Rainbow011
    Rainbow011 Posts: 61 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I don't have mine open either and I've had an occasional request to do it. It's just my own choice for now, although lately I've been thinking about it. I guess I just fear criticism. I think it's a matter of personal choice and what you feel comfortable with.

    I'm exactly the same. My diary is still private. Not sure if I will ever allow it to be open to others. My motivation comes from results and the encouragement of others. I don't feel allowing others to see my diary will help in my journey. I suppose its a personal decision for you. Just because everyone else makes their diary public doesn't mean you have to.
  • mama2daboyz
    mama2daboyz Posts: 16 Member
    Just wanted to say... You don't HAVE to open it up! The way I see it, I am here to lose weight. I also look for support. But, just like you don't have to advertise to the world that you are on a diet (though that helps for some), you don't have to make your food diary public, or even share it with a few "friends" if you don't want to.