I just want to cry



  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Don't cry! What's done is done, and you can't change the past. But you CAN get back on track and lose the weight you gained!

    Keep your head up girl, you'll lose those pounds in no time! :)

    I understand your frustration but you will get through this.
    you're stronger than you think you are and you have people here
    that will support you in your journey.
    We all struggle but we need to get up, dust ourselves off
    and jump back on that horse. You CAN do it! =)
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    All I can say is Been there, done that. Don't cry.. Its not the end of the world. It could have been worse.. could have been 50. The best part about what you just realized is that you can do something about it. Start tracking everything, eating well and exercising. That 20lbs will come back off. Think of this as an eye opener for the rest of your life... make the changes you need to make.. and never turn back. Good luck!!
  • getNskinny2day
    You sound like where I was exactly 2 years ago. The difference? I set unrealistic goals and tried the "barely eating" or "not eating" diet and, long story short, I gained another 20lbs.

    First off, you need to be losing weight for YOU, not for someone else.

    Secondly, losing weight sucks. It is hard to do, it can be discouraging when the scale doesn't move, and at points in this journey you are going to feel like it is impossible. We ALL go through this. The morale of the story is, YOU MUST KEEP GOING.

    I joined back in January 2011 and thought I'd be down 70lbs by now. I am down 24lbs right now and, believe it or not, I am STOKED to be down just 24lbs. You have to remind yourself that change doesn't happen overnight. It took you months to put 20lbs on and it will take you awhile to take the 20lbs off, but DON'T let that discourage you. It CAN be done, and you just have to stick to the program and keep trying.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Have a good cry!... and then start over!! Tomorrow is a new day!!
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Ouch! Breakups are never easy, I am hoping to prevent the emotional eating as I just broke up with my 5+ yr boyfriend last night. So far I am so hurt that I have a hard time eating at all, but in a few days I'm sure the food cravings will come...