I am back...

Dacia24 Posts: 11 Member
I used this site before but, got off track when some new changes in my life came about. I have made a new account and starting today I hope I can get back in to focus and stay that way. Id love for a support group so... Add me as a friend (or whatever you do on here) if you'd like a friend for support. Have a great week everyone!


  • Lacole216
    Welcome back! I just came back myself :)
    Good luck to you on your journey!
  • Honeybee511
    Honeybee511 Posts: 97 Member
    I just came back too! I had a baby in May, I've got 38 lbs to go to get to my pre pregnancy weight. My problem is is that I love food! But this site helped me lose 50 lbs last year, so here I am again! I didn't use the forums before, but I think it will help me to keep on track and motviated! Good Luck! I will add you!:smile: