One month until back to school, need help.

So i'm getting used to eating every couple hours and downing a ton of water. I go back to school in a month and dont have a lunch because my schedule is packed. Any ideas of foods i can eat in a class room without being disruptive, and any filling breakfast ideas? Thanks alot.


  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    or when to fit a workout in? thanks, i forgot that part.
  • han182
    han182 Posts: 82
    Porridge for breakfast- it's my uni staple :) I get the ones that microwave in 2 mins and it keeps me full 'till lunch!
  • Quiltmania
    Why don't you have a lunch time? Administration is not allowed to pack your schedule so much so that you don't have lunch -- that is illegal. If you are in charge of arranging your schedule, can you move some things around so that you get a lunch time? Do you have access to a fridge and can bring some yogurt, cheese and fruit?

    OOPS, I may have read your post incorrectly. Are you teaching or the student? If so, the yogurt, cheese and fruit idea would still be ok if you have an insulated lunch box. Those would not be a problem in the classroom.
  • buttahbaby
    buttahbaby Posts: 53 Member
    Back to school for me to. They need to give us more bathroom breaks. I pack smaller quick snacks
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Protein and fat make you feel satisfied and last longer before you're hungry. When you eat carbohydrates, it triggers hunger so you should keep that in check. Fat does not make you fat so don't be afraid of it.

    Eggs and bacon or sausage and
    Fruit like berries or melon

    Grazing through the day
    Nuts (not peanuts or cashews) like walnuts, macadamia nuts
    Berries (avoid dried fruits which are high in sugar and easy to eat a whole bunch before you realize)
    Larabar or some kind of protein bar
    Maybe this grosses you out, but turkey jerky or something--look for something with low sodium or nitrate free

    When you get home from school
    Eat! Have a big salad or smoothie, preferably one with vegetables ... you want to feed your brain.

    Hopefully your family eats healthy!

    Time for a workout? You might not have time if you have such a heavy class load plus the home work that will go with it. Try to squeeze in walking to/from class or school or with friends; drop and do push ups while you're waiting your turn in the bathroom :-) Get a kettle bell and learn a routine you can do in 10 minute time chunks.
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    OOPS, I may have read your post incorrectly. Are you teaching or the student? If so, the yogurt, cheese and fruit idea would still be ok if you have an insulated lunch box. Those would not be a problem in the classroom.

    Im a student, i wish i was a teacher
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    I no how you feel! I start back in about 3 weeks and am heading intfo my final year in school! I will be super busy every day preparing for exams etc! I either eat Porridge with a teaspoon of sugar and milk with some strawberries, raspberries and blueberries OR Kelloggs All Bran with milk and banana! They keeps me quite full!!

    You could snack on cereal bars, they are nice when you just need that little something to nibble on or if your in class, special K bites are very handy!!

    As for exercise, I know it will be tough getting it in! I start school at 9am every morning and dont finish until 4pm and then I have study from 4pm to 6pm! then I have to go home and eat, do homework etc!! But I have Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and its only 20 minutes long so I plan to continue doing that! Also I love to cycle and I am damn sure I wont be giving that up just because I have to start back school! Go for a FAST 20 minute cycle while taking a break from homework/study! Most people say you should take a break every 1/2hours to eat, well instead of eating, you could exercise!!!

    Good Luck! :)
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Could do with a challenge on 'back to school' I'm starting uni on the 12th Sept - have been in full time education for a year now and part time for 15 months before that.
    I use meal replacement bars to stop me eating the wrong things, it works but I'm worried the change in pace with Uni will leave me hungry so will be adding fruit. I will be travelling further each way and as a student nurse will do placements which will be full time shifts - so need to get my head and diet around these before xmas too.

    I found the hardest thing with college was avoiding things like hot sugary drinks.. won't mention them but you know the ones, and then the times when things got to me and all I wanted was something high calorie. I did manage to lose weight in college - I've struggled more over the holidays to be honest, so am hoping Uni will help me keep away from the bad stuff.
  • rrjs
    rrjs Posts: 46
    drop and do push ups while you're waiting your turn in the bathroom :-)

    HAHAHA I'm cracking up imagining standing in line in the bathroom and seeing some girl dropping on all fours on the bathroom floor and doing pushups, by herself and totally serious. Hahahaha...
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    drop and do push ups while you're waiting your turn in the bathroom :-)

    HAHAHA I'm cracking up imagining standing in line in the bathroom and seeing some girl dropping on all fours on the bathroom floor and doing pushups, by herself and totally serious. Hahahaha...

    It may sound weird, but I know a guy who swears by pushups in the bathroom. I think it is probably due to working in a small office, so privacy is key. I can't imagine putting my hands on ANY restroom floor.
  • kate_newlifestyle
    Any ideas of foods i can eat in a class room without being disruptive, and any filling breakfast ideas?

    You should eat complex carb with protein for breakfast. Complex carbs give you energy and protein keeps you full.

    I like to eat old fashioned oatmeal with cottage cheese and fruits for breakfast.
    Eggwhites with vegetables and whole wheet tortilla

    Also you can make oatmeal pancake (make 1 serving):
    1/2 cup uncooked oats
    2 eggs whites
    1/4 cup of skim milk
    vanilla, cinnamon

    Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Heat a lightly oiled (you can use Pam) frying pan over medium high heat. Brown on both sides and serve hot.
    Any ideas of foods i can eat in a class room without being disruptive?

    You can bring raw nuts, dried fruits for snack. Bring cottage cheese in container (make sure you buy with "no salt addeded"), greek yogurt (plain).

    Protein shakes are good alternatives if you want something really simple
  • LeCitron
    LeCitron Posts: 71
    I'm in college myself and during the year I was so busy I would leave my room at 8:00 am and then not be back until 9:00 pm. Finding time to work out was hard but I made myself get out of bed at 5:30 to be at the school gym by six. Now, though, I'm addicted to working out in the mornings and hate having to wait. The gym is generally empty at that time and it really pumps me up for the rest of the day.

    As for lunch, I had a schedule that allowed me only 10 minutes in between. In fact, had to carry fruit in my purse! Having apples, bananas, and oranges on you at all times is a good idea. I would also suggest packets of nuts or hard boiled eggs. Heck, you could even make yourself a sandwich--those are relatively quiet to eat. Just remember to use whole wheat bread. ;)

    The only thing I would warn you about is to make sure you eat enough. Because of my schedule and sporadic eating, it seemed I was always hungry between 12:00pm and 5:00pm. Sometimes at dinner I would end up going REALLY overboard.

    So watch out, be smart, and good luck with both your weight loss journey and your studies!