You have to pay for your wrong doings

Two days ago I had guests round for dinner and what I cooked was far from healthy. Yesterday I had to drive 4 hours to my old house (which unfortunately I still own) just to pick up a load of rubbish that the natives had created after firstly filling up my bins with their stuff and then up ending them and kicking them across the whole estate. I was pissed. Enter McDonalds on the road home. Because of both these events I was actually over my weekly calorie allowance by nearly 3500. Now knowing that I was close to not losing a pound in weight because of this I decided that I had to hit the gym today and work off all those extra calories. Man I'm so tired. I have a kitchen full of dishes to wash and they're just gonna have to wait until tomorrow as I absolutely must have a bath to chill out and soak my muscles. I'm falling asleep as I type this.