Month 'o Challenges - Week 2 (open to all)

A food and exercise challenge each week of August - you up for it??? Here we go!!!

This week - TIME
We've all taken the time to get to where we are today, it's time to put some time into where we want to be.

This week, choose a meal everyday and take 30 minutes or more to sit down and eat it.

Challenge - We are all rush rush rush with life and I think we've all been guilty of scarfing down a meal (either because we are in a hurry or because we are starving after not eating properly earlier in the day). Did you know that it takes 20 minutes for your brain to signal that you're full? Think about that as you eat your meals. 30 minutes is a sitcom, or the news. You can take the time to watch that, you can take the time to sit there and taste your food.

"They" say that people should walk a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. Most Americans don't reach that number. Put that pedometer on and get to stepping!!! Your goal this week is to go above the norm - add 100 steps to the recommended number of steps - walk 77,700 steps this week!!! It can be done, you just need to make the time to get to this goal. You can add your exercise mileage (just convert the mileage to steps - for simplicity, we'll say that 2,000 steps = 1 mile).

Challenge - That's a lot of steps, I know! That's the point! :wink:

What is your reward this week?
You're going to take time to sit and eat. You're going to take the time to walk a few extra steps. How will you reward yourself WHEN you meet the food and exercise goals this week?


  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Nice one!
  • love_30034
    Im ready! Week two lets go
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    I'm in...alomst 10,000 today so i am up for eat...eating for 30 minutes with three children a challenge..but I usually finish fitrst and wait for them to eat, does that count?
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Welcome challengers!!

    OK, Laz, I'm not a mommy, so please forgive me that I don't know what it's like with three kiddies!

    Is there any way your hubby can watch them so that you make 30minutes? What about eating half for 15 minutes and then eating the other half at another 15 minute time? I would never EVER suggest that you compromise time/supervision with/of your kiddies to make the 30 minutes. Ugh - that's the best I can do, Laz! Sorry! I hope some other challengers have ideas.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    During the weekend yes...otherwise he is working..I have a 2, 3 and 8 year old...I'm lucky if I even get to sit down to eat....but I never help myself to more till after 20 minutes if I think I am still hungry...It's only one meal a day so I will try.:)
  • bens_mommy
    bens_mommy Posts: 219
    During the weekend yes...otherwise he is working..I have a 2, 3 and 8 year old...I'm lucky if I even get to sit down to eat....but I never help myself to more till after 20 minutes if I think I am still hungry...It's only one meal a day so I will try.:)

    Oh my gosh Laz, I can't imagine! I have a 15 month old who requires a lot (A LOT) of attention, even for a toddler. Sitting down is like asking for him to get into whatever trouble he can find. I wish I was kidding when I said he's actively looking for things that Mommy says "no" to. =P
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    Sounds like a fun challenge....I'm game!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    3178 steps down...I'm moving today :)
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    double post:angry:
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    OMG!!! Laz! Way to go!! It's 10am and I'm at 472!!! Move it, MO, Move it!!!
  • Bunnzye
    Bunnzye Posts: 39
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    OMG!!! Laz! Way to go!! It's 10am and I'm at 472!!! Move it, MO, Move it!!!

    It helps when your doing C25K..and you have three kids and you spend the afternoon shopping:blushing: ...I'm at 11083 steps...yeah I rock and I sat and ate with my kids for 30 minutes at Burger King and I had a chicken sandwich and a side salad with only half a packet of dressing!!!!!:tongue:
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Way to go at Burger King!!! The bf wanted it yesterday (he has the fastest metabolism in the world and doesn't eat regular meals, so eats whatever he wants!!!) - He got 2 bacon cheese whoppers and large fries!!! Seriously!!! 2080 calories and so many other bad things. Amazing how he can eat so crappy yet you can make the right choices at the same place!! Wonderful, Laz!! (Btw, yes, I look up his calorie values too, just for fun sometimes).

    Sooooooo, DAY 1!!! It was a YAY!!! and WTF?!? kinda day! Yay = took over 30 minutes to eat dinner, but it seemed like forever. It really helped to put my fork down and have some water between bites. WTF = 10023 steps. Ugh!!! So close.
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    My first day wasn't so good :ohwell: My pedometer app I downloaded sucked and I wasn't able to count my steps for the day (but I made sure I took the day out for a few extra little walks). I would go buy one but at the moment I am unemployed and trying to save all the money I can to go towards bills....

    I have been taking my time when eatting and It was pretty nice. I liked not rushing to eat and actually taking time to enjoy it. I think this is something I going to hold on to even after this week is over :happy:
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    I was wondering about logging steps..i'm up late 10:30-11:30 so maybe at a certain time...we just finsihed a leisure walk and I am at 15,625....bring it on! :bigsmile:
  • AParker1974
    AParker1974 Posts: 89 Member
    Well, got a late start on counting my steps-had to get a pedometer after work today...but it shouldn't be hard to get all the steps in. I work as a security guard at an airport so I am on my feet walking 6 hours out of an 8 hour day :)....slowing down my eating is going to be the challenge. When I am at work I eat fast because I only get 15mins on my breaks and 30 mins on lunch. But I will try to slowwwww downnnn!! :happy:
  • cml_b
    cml_b Posts: 8
    I went to visit a factory with a customer today, so we walked for around 90 mins. It was exhausting, interesting and shall count for 10k steps.:wink:
    I'm flying home tonight (strike starts tomorrow 6am, lucky me :-), and then I can sleep and then try out my new little pedometer.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Good morning all - I think this will be like last week - one challenge will be a breeze and the other will be a struggle. Isn't that the way to improve?!?

    I guess I could blame my desk job for making me struggle to get to 10,000, but I know there are things I could do in order to get to that magic number daily. I'm the first one in the office, so I always get premo parking. I COULD park further away from the building, but I wear uncomfortable (but adorable) shoes. And, hell, I'm the first one in, I deserve the best parking!!!! It's amazing the excuses I make up for myself. I'm going to have to do about 3 miles of exercise a day to make up for my slackass!

    Way to go to all of you for making it through day 1!!! I kinda see day one as the learning day. You see where you're at with regard to the challenge. If you don't meet the goal, you know what to do from that day on. That happened to me yesterday and I planned accordingly today.

    I read that putting down the fork between bites works (it does, I did it yesterday!) and so does using smaller plates. For those of you that have kids, eat on little people plates and bowls. They're more adorable than adult plates and bowls! :happy:
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Only 9802 step today:( More tomorrow!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I've been wanting to walk during the day more. I ordered a pedometer over the weekend; hopefully it will be here soon. I enjoy taking time with my meals, so that one isn't a challenge.