Smoke quitters.. Question.

I started almost a month ago my journey to lose weight, everyday 1400 calories, and I started Turbo Fire as well, I decided it was to hypocritical of me to be healthy and keep smoking, so I quit smoking Cold Turkey and everytime I had cravings I had water, I have not lost weight, and this time I have been very serious about it, not missing my work outs, and sometimes working out a little more. I read quit smoking lowers your metabolism, have you deal with this, is there any input or a good story behind this, It is weird that I have not lost even one pound in all this 3 weeks.


  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    I was just at my doctor on Thursday and we discussed the quitting smoking/weight gain issue - I sure the heck had it happen to me (and I was put on anti-depressants and I'm menopausal... triple whammy!). What he said was that smoking causes weight gain for two reasons:

    1. Food tastes better..... to which I said THAT IS ABSOLUTE BUNK! Just because food may taste a little better doesn't mean that someone who has been on a controlled diet for over a year is automatically going to start overeating!

    2. Nicotine DOES boost the metabolism, to which I saId YESSSS!!! Finally someone told me the truth! My metabolism went through the floor. Yours may, too.

    I'm no stranger to dieting. Take a look at my profile. Look at my diary. Now look how much weight I'm losing (or not losing!) I have the metabolism of a slug.

    Learn from my mistake - I did go back to smoking hoping that it would help me lose some of the weight I gained when I quit. IT DOESN'T WORK.

    Cheers... :drinker:
  • TanyaDelAngel
    TanyaDelAngel Posts: 50 Member
    I really appreciate your input , I won't go back to smoking I promise, it is just frustrating sometimes :)
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    HI there-

    3 years ago I was a prime weight, I was happy, but a smoker! I quit cold turkey, never had a craving and over about a 3 month time period, gained over 20 pounds! I was eating healthy, no junk food, no extra foods, even added more veggies when I stopped to make sure I didnt gain weight cause I knew that once I quit, my metabolism would slow down dramatically. I was at my heaviest weight ever!!! The last time I had weighed that amount, I was pregnant!

    During my trip to Hawaii, I was sitting with friends outside having a drink when I instinctly lit up one of their cigarettes. Hence, I started smoking again! It took 6 months to drop the weight again, I am now down to 141 pounds and have 10 more pounds to go.

    I'm thinking of dropping down to 120 and attempting to quit again, cause then if I gain weight, it wont be so noticeable! urgh, any suggestions anyone has are greatly welcomed!
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I quit cold turkey, got active, lost weight. Can't tell you how fast that happened though cause I didn't think to weigh myself until my pants all of a sudden didn't fit one day. Stick with it!