shin splits and tendonitis

I am getting pretty discouraged... I have had pain in the top of my right foot for over a week now and it has seemed to move up the top of my leg. On top of that I got a shin splint in my left leg and now my right because I was babying my left lol.
I've been taking it easy but decided to walk tonight. I only made it 30 minutes and had to come back.
How long would you rest with these types of injuries? I've been icing my legs and using icy hot, if the pain gets bad I rest and I didn't do the 30d shred tonight.

Any tips? I am going to re-lace my shoes to give the tendonitis some space and wear shoes when I am doing my video workouts. Also, if you have any upper body cardo ideas that I can do until my legs heal?



  • 2tonic
    2tonic Posts: 1
    A rowing machine would do the trick or actual rowing if you have a lake near-by. The bad news about shin splints is that rest is what the dr. will say.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I would recommend Yankz (shoelaces). I have a lot of trouble with my right knee and ankle and was having trouble with the pressure of tying my laces on the top of my right ankle. Since I got the Yankz it's been way better. I also have tendonitis (posterior tibial) among many other problems on the same side and although most people wouldn't be running through what I am, I'm working with a PT to get the tendonitis inflammation down so it'll stop pressing on my nerves and causing my nerves to fire pain up and down my leg (not fun, btw).

    I'm not saying to run through your injuries, it's just something I've always done and I can handle the pain (and was up until last Monday when it got unbearable). I'm training for a marathon and can't afford time off, but rest, ice and elevation may be your best bet. Compression isn't always recommended for tendonitis, and isn't in my case, and has made things worse, so be careful with wrapping it or wearing a compression sleeve.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Rest is the cure!

    Look for alternative workouts, work your upper body, swim, etc
  • hey_kp28
    When playing soccer I began getting the worst shin splints as well. I'd come home and ice my legs all night and just cry. I finally headed to a sport physical therapist who taught me some stretches and recommended arch supports. Since then the pain has dramatically reduced and I can defiantly feel te difference when I try to cut corners and skip those stretches. Definitely look up some shin splint stretches as well as investing in arch supports :-)
  • mccrockl
    mccrockl Posts: 55 Member
    Do you like swimming? It can be a great workout with no impact!
  • Ezada
    Ezada Posts: 207 Member
    I hate shin splints so much! I get them often and they suck majorly. I am normally out of commission for running, jogging and walking for about a week.

    Like the posters above me said, rest will make them better and do upper body or swimming workouts during your rest period.

    <3 Hope they get to feeling better!
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    I am going to do the stretches a few times a day and see how that goes. I would LOVE to swim but there aren't any pools near by and I have a 2 year old who is afraid of water haha.

    Thanks for all of your responses!