What in the world do I do with all these veggies?

carlxo21 Posts: 143 Member
I am really into buying fresh fruits and veggies lately. Any fruits I can handle, but the veggies kind of intimidate me.

Beets, kale, cauliflower... I want to buy and eat these things but I have NO idea what to do with them! Or if they even taste good!
How do I start?


  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    Do a search on the forum for mashed cauliflower. It's a great sub for mashed potatoes - yummy!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I don't have any specific suggestions, but there's a website called supercook.com that will find recipes based on the foods you already have in your kitchen. You can emphasize specific ingredients by clicking on them in your list.
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    I love kale, really great stuff and can be put in anything where you normally put spinach or veggies. Soup, stews, or stir fry it. Just make sure you use only the leaves and not the middle stem.
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    I like to roast beetroot and then make a lovely roasted beetroot risotto :)

    I also like stir frying cauliflower and broccoli and then adding toasted sesame dressing - that is one yummy dinner!

    Just have a play about! :)
  • EmilyQC
    EmilyQC Posts: 69 Member
    allrecipes.com its a great site
  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427
    start w/ what you actually know and like.
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    You can make kale chips (like potato chips, but healthier).

  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Buy a good vegetable cook book like Vegetable Love by Barbara Kafka or Vegetables Every Day by Jack Bishop.
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    Second the mashed cauliflower. Boil it for about ten minutes. Put in a colander to drain the water off. Put back into empty pan and use a potato masher on it until you get a smooth consistency. Little bit of milk to thin it out salt and pepper and pretty tasty. Might put some garlic in it and then shake some parmesean on it. Also add a packet of ranch dressing to it.
  • leftymac
    leftymac Posts: 169 Member
    1. Roasted beets -- peel, quarter, add some seasoning and roast at 400 until tender.

    2. Take your leftover cold roasted beets, dice, toss with cold corn, diced cucumber, and some vinaigrette for a summery salad.

    3. Steam your cauliflower (one head), add 1/3 cup plain greek yogurt, salt pepper, and use a hand blender to make a delicious cauliflower puree that is similar to mashed potatoes. You can use a hand masher instead, but it will be chunkier.

    4. Take raw cauliflower florets, toss in a tbsp of olive oil (for an entire head), salt, pepper, and other spices. Roast at 400 until tender and slightly charred.

    4. Heat 1 tbsp lemon juice, salt, and pepper in a sauté pan (large) and add a hella lot of kale. Sauté, turning constantly, until wilted and cooked.

    One thing about beets...they are messy.
  • joy_daily
    Broil everything, it is so good that way. Just drizzle a little olive oil and broil till done, varies from veggie to veggie. My favorite to broil is spaghetti squash, broil then shred with a fork making so many wonderful dishes.
  • panicintheattic
    panicintheattic Posts: 102 Member
    I LOVE kale. It's really good if you break it into little pieces and drizzle it with a little bit of oil and salt, then bake it at 350 for about five minutes. Good substitute for potato chips.
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    You could use them as paperweights. I usually eat them, though.
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Cauliflower: cut into small pieces and drizzle with about 1 tablespoon olive oil (depending how much cauliflower you're using), then sprinkle with salt and/or other seasonings. Spread out in a single layer on a cookie sheet and bake at 400 degrees for 40-60 minutes (until light brown). Turn them over 3-4 times throughout cooking. I make this all the time as a side dish, sooo yummy :)
  • avalacrosse
    Green smoothies! Ugly color but rather tasty! Cooking vegetables strip the vegs of their enzymes, shrinking the nutritional value. In a green smoothie, you're just blending it straight raw with fruits and other things of your choice.
  • suzyluzy
    suzyluzy Posts: 78
    boil cauliflower until soft (10 min). cook in pan with olive oil, onion, add cauliflower, then 3 or 4 eggs depending on size. add quite a bit of salt, perhaps a teaspoon. i add caraway seeds too. stir and mash up. it's divine. you'll have enough for dayyys
  • PriorGodwyn
    Steamed cauliflower is great. :)
  • tiggerzshorty
    Cauliflower pizza!!! Even my 4 yr old loves it. My favorite it mix with other veggies, evoo, seasonings and seal it in tin foil and grill.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I just eat cauliflower raw (like you would broccoli) or I steam it and eat with a bit of salt and pepper.

    I only eat beets pickled so I'm no help there.

    I do have recipies that use kale, but I usually sub it out for spinach since I like it better.....so again no help sorry.

    If you go to vegweb you can google and ingredient and it will give you tons of recipes that use that item. I use it all the time.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I love cauliflower! I especially like to roast a head of it with a little EVOO, the juice of a fresh lemon, and a little bit of Parmesan cheese. Once in a while I will mix the lemon juice with the Parmesan and some Panko bread crumbs and crumble that over the cauliflower. If I make a head like this, I usually eat the leftovers for lunch the next couple days. Sooo good even the day after.

    It is also fantastic steamed with a bit of garlic salt on top.

    I have seen salad recipes that call for roasted beets. I've never tried a beet that didn't come out ofa can though. And I'm stillnot entirely sure what kale is. I've always thought it was leafy like spinach or maybe a bok choy. Never knew it was a good substitute for chips - I will have to try it.