Did you guys hear about McDonalds?



  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    It's Mc Donalds. Who in thier right mind eats there because it's healthy? I feed my children healthy food everyday. They are healthy and active and happy. Now and then when they are hungry and we aren't at home I'll stop and get them a hamburger. Is it going to kill them no. It's the people who feed thier kids this crap everyday that are killing them. Changing from fries to apples isn't going to make these kids healthier. Only a change in attitude by thier parents will. But unfortunately parents who feed thier kids McDonalds everyday don't care. So who are they helping? Nobody.
  • Dawn1084
    Dawn1084 Posts: 17
    it's strange but i feel about kid's eating habits the same way i do about my puppy. there is no excuse for them not to eat well or being overweight. i have control over what my puppy eats and i take it seriously. i would expect that parents are equally responsible for what goes in their kid's mouths.

    it's my dream to have someone take care of my meals and snacks and put it in front of me :-)

    and when i hear parents say he/she won't eat that....really? since when do you let kids dictate what they will/won't eat. there are so many choices, and cooking and meals are the best opportunity to get kid's introduced to good food in a positive way to save them from a life of struggle and poor health.

    I love this! I have a 4 year old and he eats very healthy. One of my good friends has a 5 year old girl and she asks me all the time "how do you get him to eat that" I give it to him, and tell him that is dinner. He doesn't get soda he gets veggies, water, milk, and on a rare occasion tea, fruit and juice are snacks we don't have a lot of the crap food. If they don't taste it they don't know they want it... That's my stance on it. There are some things that he does not like, but overall he eats what I give him and he doesn't eat the junk because we don't have it and he has no idea what it is...

    I totally agree with you, my sister in law who also has a 4 year old was being pestered by her 4 year old for a piece of gum one day and she looked at me as she took it out of her purse and said "does Jack want a piece too?" and I said no Jack does not even know what chewing gum is, he has never had it and I don't want him to start.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have three children 2 who eat anything and one who won't eat anything but bland food and other than breakfast she really won't eat unless its something bland or apples or cold carrots so could one of people who say starve them until they eat please tell me how long I have to wait its been 6yrs?

    My nephew is 12 and still starving.......

    Really, some children will actually make themselves very ill rather than eat food they don't want. My little sister was one. My niece and nephew too. Children often make themselves sick or choke if made to eat food they don't like and that can include most food! Until you have had a difficult eater, you can't comprehend it.

    edit - but there STILL no reason to take a 2 year old to McDonalds!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    He can argue with himself in an empty room if there's no one else to pick a fight with.

    That sounds like some people that read and post in the forums.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    He can argue with himself in an empty room if there's no one else to pick a fight with.

    That sounds like some people that read and post in the forums.

    It is a possibility he *may* be related to me..........
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    I babysat a 2 year old last month. In the morning, I sliced him up some bananas and got some cheerios for him. He shook his head and got out of his chair. I felt bad and tried several more times to try to get him to eat before his parents got back. I offered him scrambled eggs with some chopped up ham-steak and he shook his head and went and sat down. So i gave him juice and let him watch a movie. When his parents got back I apologized that I couldn't get him to eat.

    She says "Oh that's alright, he only eats McDonalds" and laughs like it was funny.


    That is soo sad! Wow.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I have three children 2 who eat anything and one who won't eat anything but bland food and other than breakfast she really won't eat unless its something bland or apples or cold carrots so could one of people who say starve them until they eat please tell me how long I have to wait its been 6yrs?

    My nephew is 12 and still starving.......

    Really, some children will actually make themselves very ill rather than eat food they don't want. My little sister was one. My niece and nephew too. Children often make themselves sick or choke if made to eat food they don't like and that can include most food! Until you have had a difficult eater, you can't comprehend it.

    edit - but there STILL no reason to take a 2 year old to McDonalds!

    My kids will happily starve than eat vegetables. I blend it in sauces, chop it up small etc. It's strainge though till they started school they'd eat anything. The ate pretty much any veg or fruit. Now they still eat fruit but will leave the vegetables. I don't give them anything instead but i do worry about them becoming too skinny.

    It is ignorant to asume a kid will eat at the next meal. My son once went 6 months barely eating anything and his weight dropped and we had to give a vitamin supplement to stimulate his appetite after that. I'm sure my refusal to give him an alternative led to his weightloss and his reduced appetite.