Body doesn't want to lose weight anymore. Serious help only!



  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Well.... I have a question for you...... If you are adopting a permanent lifestyle, then wouldn't you stick with it regardless? Obviously it has worked for you. I promise, if you stick with this for the rest of your life, those pounds will drop. Get away from the scale and just live. Keep doing what you are doing. Everything else will fall into place. It has taken me 3 years to lose twenty pounds. But it happened through living consistently with my healthy choices. Three years happen anyway.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    well maybe you can try a weight loss supplement of some kind?
    to help reboost or a body cleanse to get rid of all the toxins in your body

    I don't think weight loss supplements are ever a good idea!
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Kapeluza.... You're my hero! Bravo! Well said!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    well maybe you can try a weight loss supplement of some kind?
    to help reboost or a body cleanse to get rid of all the toxins in your body

    I don't think weight loss supplements are ever a good idea!

    Agreed.. most cause issues with dehydration and rapid heart beats...

    But seriously, we need to figure out where you are. Can you make yor diary public so we can review it? If you show that, I can help tell you some places to improve.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    okay I know you don't want to hear it but it is exercise. You can go lower in calories because that would not be healthy at all. You can exercise the same number of days but from my experience it is the type of exercise. You can do shorter but more intense exercises like a spin class for example once or twice a week. Sprints. This will help you but please do not decrease calories because that would be dangerous with intense exercises. YOU CAN DO this!
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    I know you said dont say more exercise but....what are you doing for 35 mins a day? We are the same age and in order for me to break thru my plateau I increased lifting weight from 2 x a week to 4, started working out in the morning 3 times a week and cardio after weights every day. If I am not huffing and puffing I dont lose. I work out about 1.5-2hrs a day.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I know that for me, the only thing that got me through a plateau was this:

    5-7 days a week, at least an hour a day of exercise.

    At least one day of weights
    2 days of spin
    1 day of Zumba
    One Long run day
    2 short run days

    Oh. And NOT eating back my calories. Maybe eating a little more on heavy workout days, but not all of them by any stretch of the imagination. Sorry folks!
  • MayaMadness
    Cut salt from your diet as much as you possibly can. Avoid anything canned/processed/pre-made. Cook for yourself and just don't add salt. Drink a ton of water. I promise within a day of doing this you will lose weight.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Hard to offer advice, but here are some ideas.

    Move to moderate carb levels in your intake since you have been doing low, but be judicious with the starches.
    Get at least 1 gram of protein for each pound of your desired weight. Essential for keeping the lean tissue which in turn keeps the metabolism amped up. It also helps with recovery from workouts. Try a protein shake (20 to 30 grams) within 30 minutes of completing every workout.

    Don't do resistance and cardio on the same day. They impact the muscles differently and they need time to recover. Your 6 day a week schedule should be fine, just alternate between cardio and resistance.

    Get adequate sleep. I see a difference in weight loss when I averaging 7 hours a night versus only 6 hours a night.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    If you don't mind working out 45 minutes a day, I would look into doing a workout program like chalean extreme. I have had great success with it so far. I lost 3% body fat and cut 2" inch from my abs/hips/waist and 5 lbs (but I am in my last 10 lbs to go and only need to lose 3-4% more body fat to have a six pack).
  • MariPars
    MariPars Posts: 52
    Im not up to 45 min yet.. I have ms and when I TRIED to just go past 35 on my elliptical my body started screaming at me. Hopefully I can work my way up to it though, WHEN i lose more weight!
  • MariPars
    MariPars Posts: 52
    Thanks for all the advice, but I cant keep repeating myself. I have MS. I cant exercise more than I body wont let me. This is what my Dr. has me doing. Before this I wasnt doing anything (Weight wise..if/when I lose more it'll change hopefully) I dont have full mobility in my legs and have a horrible equilibrium. If you dont have ms you wouldnt understand so please dont argue. MS alone, is a battle. Exercise often hurts, badly. So, that being said, i am doing the BEST I can. Eating wise, im trying something different now and waiting to see if it works..upping my protein big time at a 1,500 (thats an increase too) calorie level. Soo...give me a cpl weeks and lets see how this works!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Thanks for all the advice, but I cant keep repeating myself. I have MS. I cant exercise more than I body wont let me. This is what my Dr. has me doing. Before this I wasnt doing anything (Weight wise..if/when I lose more it'll change hopefully) I dont have full mobility in my legs and have a horrible equilibrium. If you dont have ms you wouldnt understand so please dont argue. MS alone, is a battle. Exercise often hurts, badly. So, that being said, i am doing the BEST I can. Eating wise, im trying something different now and waiting to see if it works..upping my protein big time at a 1,500 (thats an increase too) calorie level. Soo...give me a cpl weeks and lets see how this works!
    If you are a peak with pain on exercise then that's all you can do. If that is the case, and unless you find an answer with diet, then you may have to concede that you're at your weight limit loss. It may not be the answer you want to hear, but if you've done everything you can, then the reality is your physical body may have reached it's limit.
  • MariPars
    MariPars Posts: 52
    I dont think im at my weight loss body has ALWAYS done this to me.. just not for this long. All im looking for is help in ways ive never thought of before... I need to trick my body. Ive dieted all my life and its gotten smart!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    ok, don't freak out, we get it, you have MS and you body can't handle it. I apologize if you thought we were pushing. But can you make your diary public (without key encryption) so we can try to help?
  • jerryellis
    My g/f and I were both plateau-ing badly for about 3 weeks when we decided to up our calories from reading the posts on MFP that says this is what has helped alot of people...long story short, she upped from 1200 to 1350 and I upped from 1800 to 2150 and BAM! We both started losing and losing quite well! That would be my suggestion, good luck!
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    ignore the scale. Grab a tape mesure. Your body might be shifting its shape. I know it is dificult thing to do but your body can and will do it. Mine has been for the last 3 months I havent lost any weight I am more active I eat more I drink my water but my weight is not changing, My INCHES are. HUGS. eventually it will shift and you will lose again.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    I dont think im at my weight loss body has ALWAYS done this to me.. just not for this long. All im looking for is help in ways ive never thought of before... I need to trick my body. Ive dieted all my life and its gotten smart!

    Try a cheat day and increasing your calories per day either go on maintenance for a while or right at your BMR assuming you are not at it now which will provide a small deficit.
  • MariPars
    MariPars Posts: 52
    I appreciate all these comments! Im trying something right now and if it doesnt work ill come back and work my way through your suggestions till I find one that works! =) Im not quitting!!!