bum and belly??

will my stomach flatten out too if I loose weight? this is my biggest problem area specially after a c section. i can see some loss in legs etc but stomach and bum not too much


  • coxy1968
    coxy1968 Posts: 77
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    Depends on Your genetics.

    You cant spot reduce fat.

    I read about Yohimbine cream in one of Lyle McDonald books. But there he said about putting it on stubborn fat areas and do cardio but Yohimbine cream has side effects too.

    Instead of defining weight and measurement goals.
    Say I will work this week harder, drink water more, i will not eat that cookie etc..
    You can starve yourself and loose fat ,muscle and water and say woohoo i lost weight but you actually did something really bad.

    And people love your bodies dont compare yourself to other body compositions, some people have won on genetic lottery some did not, exercise keep your body healthy and in time some of those stubborn areas are gonna go away.
  • kamula
    kamula Posts: 49 Member
    thanks that helped me. I am on a protein sachet diet for a little then going to change my life style. have a nice day