Fruit/Milk Sugars OK?

I have been tracking what I eat for about 2.5 months now. Been busting my rear end on my bike, and have dropped about 20 lbs. Resting heart rate has dropped from high 60's to mid-50's, and I feel lots better in general.

I have no problem meeting my calorie/fat goals, in fact I need to be eating a little more. I do have a question about sugars though. I eat lots of fruit, and as a result, normally end up with 100-125 grams of sugars/day. From my limited reading, natural sugars like in fruit and milk are not is the hfcs and refined sugars that you have to be careful with. Is this accurate? if you deduct the fruit/milk sugars from my daily totals, i am usually at about 35-50 grams of refined sugars.


  • leezanicole
    I am curious about the fruits too. I try to have atleast 2 fruits a day, but then when I look at the sugar totals I'm like :noway: . So yeah, are the fruit sugars okay or is something you still have to try to stay under on?
  • kdm97
    kdm97 Posts: 111
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    I think if it's not hindering your weight loss, it's okay. I have to cut out a lot of sugars including milk and fruit because otherwise I don't lose weight, but if you've dropped 20 lbs (congrats by the way!) it sounds like you're doing something right!
  • prettytoxic
    prettytoxic Posts: 122 Member
    I only ever count refined sugar as being 'real' sugar... my rule is that if my diabetic dad can eat it then it's fine ;]
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Funny thing is fruit sugar = hfcs sugar.

    The only reason to really watch sugar is to prevent blood sugar spikes and the fact that it does nothing to blunt hunger.

    Fruits are good in that they have a multitude of other vit/mins, fiber, and whatnot.

    As long as you know what you're doing, tracking sugar is kind of silly in the first place.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    my views: don't ever be afraid of REAL FOOD!
  • srshufelt
    I have found when I eat a lot of fruit the weight does not seem to come off. I think the sugars in fruit matters. I recently hit a platue (sp?) But I had been eating a lot of fruit. Its in season at the organics store and theres a great selection available right now so I've been eating it. My weight hadn't budged. I cut back and this week some weight came off. I would cut back on fruit and see what happens. Try it for about 2 weeks. And for sure stay away from real table sugar. Really bad stuff there. Eat more veggies and proteins. Also just don't look at numbers on the scale. How do you find your cloths fittng? Are your jeans lose? That will tell you lots also.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    There is nothing wrong with natural sugars because along with those comes vitamins, minerals, protein (in the case of milk) and so on. Eat your fruit!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I think if it's not hindering your weight loss, it's okay.

    I agree. Some people are more sensitive to sugars of any kind (or carbs) so there is no blanket rule. Eating dairy and fruit sugars seem to be working for you, so keep on doing what you are doing. I also don't worry about sugar from dairy and fruit and it hasn't hindered my weight loss at all. I just keep an eye on added sugars from cereals, granola bars, sugar in my coffee, etc.
  • mattellis2
    mattellis2 Posts: 152
    Funny thing is fruit sugar = hfcs sugar.

    i don't believe that is entirely accurate. yes, the sugar in fruits is fructose, which is a simple monosaccharide. HFCS is a modified glucose/fructose blend that has been tinkered with to achieve a desired sweetness.