Not a breakfast person?

I have never liked breakfast food very much. When I was a kid my mom would have to make me eat something. By middle school I was skipping breakfast altogether. Later in life when I became pregnant I forced myself to eat cheerios and a banana every morning even though I didnt want it. My stomach is just not awake until lunchtime. Even when I do eat breakfast I'm starving by lunch time. So now I usually eat lunch type foods for breakfast. Right now it is 9am and I am making potato soup. In a few hours I will have my coffee and a snack. I guess I kind of switch it around. Most of the time I stay under my calorie goal. I hear all the time how breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you want to lose weight, be sure to eat your breakfast! I have to wonder though....does it really matter WHAT you eat for breakfast? as long as it is partially healthy is that ok?


  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I have never liked breakfast food very much. When I was a kid my mom would have to make me eat something. By middle school I was skipping breakfast altogether. Later in life when I became pregnant I forced myself to eat cheerios and a banana every morning even though I didnt want it. My stomach is just not awake until lunchtime. Even when I do eat breakfast I'm starving by lunch time. So now I usually eat lunch type foods for breakfast. Right now it is 9am and I am making potato soup. In a few hours I will have my coffee and a snack. I guess I kind of switch it around. Most of the time I stay under my calorie goal. I hear all the time how breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you want to lose weight, be sure to eat your breakfast! I have to wonder though....does it really matter WHAT you eat for breakfast? as long as it is partially healthy is that ok?

    There is no most important meal of the day. Eat when you want.
  • maura1110
    maura1110 Posts: 171 Member
    It definitely doesn't matter what you eat for breakfast. The reason it's so important to eat breakfast is for your metabolism because you're not supposed to let your body go into starvation mode after not eating all night. If you go a long time without eating that's when your body holds on to fat and it makes it hard to lose weight. I would say eat whatever you want for breakfast but just eat it right when you wake up.
  • prettytoxic
    prettytoxic Posts: 122 Member
    Breakfast kickstarts your metabolism, I always try and eat at least one piece of fruit within the first couple of hours of being awake.
    I know exactly what you mean though, I'm not a breakfast person but I have found that my weightloss is easier if I have breakfast
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    "Acceptable" breakfast foods is cultural. Eat what sounds good to you!
  • Nancyhusanu
    I am the same way!! I used to eat grilled chicken for breakfast with all three of my pregnancies! Like you said I don't think what you eat is as important as the fact that you are "breaking the fast" from the night! Right now I get my morning nutrition from protein bars, and it seems to be working for me. Good Luck!
  • frankmmafreak
    frankmmafreak Posts: 15 Member
    I don't think it matters too much what you eat. Some people will say that you should break your fast with more protein than carbs, but it's debateable. Depends more on how well you tolerate carbs. I would recommend some protein, but eat what you like as long as it's "good" for you. I saw a program once about a woman that found it pretty much impossible to lose weight and keep it off. She lost something like 55 or 60 pounds and kept it off for two years by completely flipping her menu around. She had basically the same meals as anyone else would have; but she had dinner for breakfast, lunch for lunch, and breakfast for dinner. I mean she would like start a roast in the crock pot at night to have roast for breakfast. Then at night she would have something like cereal or whatever.

    Here's a saying I've heard before; eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. But hey, whatever works, right?
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    I'm with you. I don't look forward to breakfast at all. But find that when I skip it, I often skip lunch and by 2:00 am starving so much I don't care what I eat. Thus the needed weight loss. I like what Nancy said about 'breaking-the-fast' and I think you have a great idea in eating something healthy, no matter if it's considered a breakfast item or not. Keep up the good work!
  • kysue1029
    kysue1029 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm with you. I'm not much of a breakfast person. But, now that I have been eating breakfast since starting this, I am needing it. I didn't used to get hungry until lunch time, but now I wake up hungry!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    It takes 72 hours of extreme caloric deficit to go into starvation mode. Eating breakfast will not kickstart your metabolism.

    Look into intermittent fasting if you are interested in optimizing your metabolism. You'll see that breakfast is not necessary if you are not a morning eater naturally.