
So I've heard alot about P90x but now Im hearing about the Insanity work-out???? Has anyone tried it????


  • Rocknsynchrogrl
    I have the set of DVD's I really liked it. Its extremely challenging, but I like how you do a fit test to start off with and you compare back to it frequently. Unfortunately I had to stop doing it because I moved and now I don't have space to work out at home.
  • TranceGirl
    TranceGirl Posts: 121 Member
    I have done and still do it :) I can't imagine ever NOT doing it, It's changed my body completely! I'll friend you so you can see the results :) I definitely recommend it. I have also done P90X but I like Insanity a lot more, it's way harder but SOOO worth it!
  • holpan11
    holpan11 Posts: 28 Member
    My boyfriend is doing Insanity at the minute, i'm working my way up to it SLOWLY and have just started 30 day shred. Insanity looks, well INSANE as the name suggests! Can't wait to be fit enough to give it a try.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member

    So I've heard alot about P90x but now Im hearing about the Insanity work-out???? Has anyone tried it????
    Ohhhhh yes!!! And it is a goodie!!! It definitely will kick your butt!!! I did the series 3 times!!!! Give it a shot and do not stop!!!
  • Dacia24
    Dacia24 Posts: 11 Member
    I am doing Insanity right now and I have also done P90X. I love Insanity way more! P90X can get very costly, you have to buy work out equipment for P90X and with Insanity you don't really need anything at all. It's all about using your own body and cardio. Insanity is no joke, it is hard and they do push you but.... If you don't have the time or the money for a gym or.... If you just don't like working out in front of people Insanity is awesome! Hope that helps.
  • hklesser
    I have started P90X but don't completely like it because I do not have the dumbells and no good place to do pull-ups. The other thing I don't like is the Yoga.

    Does Insanity require a lot of Yoga?