HCG, yes or no?

Hi, i am thinking about buying the IsoDrene HCG drops from walgreens today and just wanted some feed back about it, i dont know alot about it, but i am trying to lose weight kinda fast for my fertility doctor, do these work? and i know its a only 500 cal a day plan, so idk what i would eat? if anyone is currently on it can you give me some meal ideas?


  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    I just was reading about it on this forum. It sparked quite a debate. Read for yourself:

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    No, No, No. It is a starvation diet, and once you go back to eating "normal" you will put weight back on, due to the low intake damaging your metabolism. 500 cals/day will help ensure you become malnourished as it is even difficult to get the required nutrition on 1200 cals/day
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    You are only allowed to eat certain things...very strict diet. Look it up online or in yahoo groups and they can give you lots of info. I did it for a couple of weeks. It was tough. I had to plan and prepare my food on Sunday, to be ready for the week. I did lose about 20 lbs. But you absolutely cannot cheat! Or you will gain. I don't know if the drops really helped with hunger, etc. or not. I loved the quick weight loss but I'd rather eat a sensible diet and exercise!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I don't think it's a good idea. Anything that has you only eating 500 calories a day is a "quick fix"....you'll lose quickly, but the weight will just come back. I would put a lot of thought into it before starting any fad diet.
  • farfalledibaciodinotte
    DON'T DO IT! my Ob warned me about it. it's not healthy at all for a woman who is trying to get pregnant to restrict calories like that.. it could have reverse effects.. and plus the HCG incourages you to NOT work out.. another thing not good for fertility... just saying..

    please don't it's just another FAD .... :)
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    No, No, No. It is a starvation diet, and once you go back to eating "normal" you will put weight back on, due to the low intake damaging your metabolism. 500 cals/day will help ensure you become malnourished as it is even difficult to get the required nutrition on 1200 cals/day

    100% Correct. You will do harm to your body with an "HCG diet" due to malnutrition. The kind of harm that shows up years later when it's too late.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I'm with the 'NO, NO, NO' crowd. It is a quick fix and I can't imagine this would be good if you're trying to conceive.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I heard an add for it this morning, touting it as an "all natural weightloss" program . . . tape worms are also an all natural weightloss program but you won't see me putting one of them in my body anytime soon either.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Sure why not? It is your body and I say you can do whatever the hell you want to do with it! (that's the troll coming outta me. LOL)

    I lost 85lbs and have kept it off for goin on 3 years now. I did it the hard way, I ate less and I exercised. I made it part of my life. I workout 6 days a week and just started eating clean to help boost my metabolism to lose the last few pounds. But like I say I did it the hard way. There ain't no short cuts in life!
  • aliefit
    aliefit Posts: 5
    I know people who are doing this, while they are losing weight, the diet itself troubles me. If you are unable to eat healthy and exercise a fast weight loss diet only screams danger. Majority of time people will put back on + what they lose when they stop using the diet. Diet and exercise are the safest and best way to get where you wanna be!!
  • ckjohnson0820
    Yea it seems liek it has alot of negative parts to it, i have been working about and eating great and had lost 5 lbs but now my scale says i gained it all back, idk how i even added a new workout, so idk
  • ckjohnson0820
    BTW i was asking a question, so if you want to be rude then dont reply at all. k thanks
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    YES! YES! YES!!!! Starving yourself and ingesting pregnant women's urine is my FAVORITE way to crash diet! It's WAAAY better than eating healthy, exercising regularly, and actually treating your body right!

  • aliefit
    aliefit Posts: 5
    I know the feeling, I go up and down the same three pounds even though i eat good and and currently training for a marathon... keep with it and overtime we will both get there!
  • veggiepug
    It's a gimmick/scam. Anyone will lose weight eating 500 calories a day. Why do you need to buy the drops/injections?

    By the way, I'm definitely NOT advocating eating 500 calories a day. Just pointing out that the drops are worthless.

    Lose weight the healthy way. Exercise and eat right. Yes, the weight will come off more slowly, but you won't be endangering your health. You'll also be much more likely to keep the weight off if you lose it at a steady pace.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    helllll noooooooooooo!!
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I did the a modified HCG diet through a Medical Clinic with a nutritionist. I ate between 1400-1600 calories a day. (My goal was 1600) the diet I followed was pretty much the same I'm following now, high protein, high fiber, low fat, low carbs, low sugars. I lost, alot, quickly. I went from a size 20 to a size 14 within 4 months and lost 50lbs. I exercised, ate healthy looked good and felt great.
    But every quick fix has it's draw backs. By the end I was having horrible headaches, my sugar was crashing (and I'm not diabetic or pre-diabetic) and there were days when I literally could not get out of bed because I was so sick. I don't know for a fact that it was from the HCG, but what I do know is once I stopped the shots I almost immediately started to feel better.
    The other draw back for me was once I stopped seeing the scale move so quickly i lost motivation, started falling back on old eating habits and a year later I am bigger then I have ever been in my life. I put every bit of that 50lbs back on plus an additionally 10lbs.
    So no, I don't think it's a good idea. I've been doing MFP for a month now and in that time I've lost 8.2lbs and a total of 5". I've done it the right way and I don't fear any long term side effects. I know that if I continue to work hard and make my health and weight a priority I will continue to lose and meet my goals.