Is this a plateau?

Hi MFPers! I have charged forth and stuck with my calorie counting for three weeks now (which is an accomplishment for me!) but have realized I have kind of stalled losing weight. Overall, I've lost 6 pounds, an average 2 pounds per week, so YAY! However, those pounds came off the first two weeks and the scale hasn't changed this week! My weekly weight in is on Sundays and I went from 152.6 to 152.2, so have lost .4 this week. I have to admit, I still weight everyday, and my weight hovered around 152 the whole week. I haven't changed my diet too much, still sticking to 1200 calories (MFP says I should be losing 1.2lb a week), but have had a few social events this week. Even so, I stuck to calorie counting at the restaurant and BBQ. It's making me worry that I can't make this a life style change, that it is just a diet, because I only lost weight eating at home being crazy strict with measuring, etc. Meaning, I ate at outback last week, and even though my meal calories were on their website and entered into MFP, I can't be 100% accurate!

Anywho, I have been aware I might have had more sodium than usual, so I've been drinking A TON of water a day, like 100 oz. per day to manage that. I weight at the exact same time everyday (morning after using the restroom), and have counted every single morsel I've put in my mouth. So my question is, have I hit a plateau that I need to address? Or is this how weight loss works and I just need to expect a loss next week? Is eating socially and trusting calories posted on websites not going to cut it? I appreciate all your help! i need some motivation to get past this hump!


  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    6 pounds in three weeks is very nice...1 pound a week is average and healthy and there are some weeks that you won't lose anything. Have you been measuring yourself? That's the most accurate way to keep track of fat loss. Just keep at it! Good job on the water...that's so helpful! Try not to eat out often because restaurants tend to have lots of calories/sodium/etc. If you want to be social, eat something light before going and then just get a drink or a side salad or something. Good luck