Does it annoy anyone else...

When you hear people talking about and recommending fad diets to people, and raving about how they lost 10 lbs in one week! Then I tryto tell them about counting calories and no one will listen bc it doesn't offer "fast" results?? But little do they know, all that weight loss cannot be sustained


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i had a conversation with a friend last week where she said she wanted to lose some weight so was going on a diet. so i said, maybe you need to look at it as more of a lifestyle change than a diet, to keep it off, like i have done with MFP. her response was that she eats healthily most of the time and her lifestyle is fine!

    so why do you need to go on a diet then?!?!?!?!?! its your lifestyle thats making you the (fat) shape you are.... but you're right, go on a diet, lose 10 pounds then stop your diet and put on 12... great idea!!!!

    it annoyed me a bit, if you cant tell....!!
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I know what you mean. It annoys me almost as much as people who fake a healthy lifestyle. My mom is the worst at that. She will go to the gym, then order Chinese or get Mcdonalds and claim she "earned" it at the gym. It doesn't work that way! I even recommended MFP to her since she could get the app on her phone but she didn't sign up. It's so frustrating to watch so I've given up. I gave my advice and that the end of it.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Just smile and nod and let them do their thing. Let them be the guinea pig and if it works, then try it for an "emergency" special occasion. If they gain it all back, laugh while nibbling on your celery sticks.

    Don't let it bother you, let it amuse you!
  • Wyoruby
    Wyoruby Posts: 175 Member
    No matter what deit you do or even if you just watch your calories and exercise if you stop and go back to eating all the same old crap you will gain the weight back. Being healthy is not about doing diets, it's about changing your views on food and exercise and sticking with it. Yes I did HCG and it worked great for me, yes I could gain all of the weight back if I go back to eating the way I did before!!! But so can anyone who losses weight doing it the old fashioned way. Look at some of the people from Biggest Loser they lost the weight with diet and exercise and some of them quite doing what they should have done and have gained all the wieght back!!! So lets not blame it on just the fad diets, anyone can gain the weight back that they have lost.
  • charsauce
    It is annoying, but there is nothing we can say or do that is going to change their mind. Because they are seeing results on the scale, they are brainwashed into believing what they're doing is the correct way. The only thing that will get them doing the healthy way of losing weight is time. When they learn that it isn't all that effective, especially for long term weight loss, they will HOPEFULLY see the light.
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    it doesn't bother me, because we are in a society of people who want quick fixes.
    People who don't want to spend 30 minutes cooking so they nuke some processed food.

    Nobody wants to wait for anything, and that includes results.

    So it doesn't bother me, I just smile on the inside and wish them well.
    Offering my assistance if they miracle 2 strawberry a day diet doesn't work.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    It's only annoying when they're looking for advice "oh, you've lost weight, how did you do it?" and when I tell them they say "oh, well, maybe I can try something else."
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    it doesn't bother me, because we are in a society of people who want quick fixes.
    People who don't want to spend 30 minutes cooking so they nuke some processed food.

    Nobody wants to wait for anything, and that includes results.

    So it doesn't bother me, I just smile on the inside and wish them well.
    Offering my assistance if they miracle 2 strawberry a day diet doesn't work.

    This is me to a "T". I am always looking for a quick fix...whether it be cooking, cleaning, running errands, etc. etc. Looking back now, I realize that the "lifestyle change" was that important to me to be patient. I was patient & results were great...and they will stick with me. :wink:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    No it does not bother me
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Agree. But that is the way of the world. To each his own. At least we have found the right answer.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    It does bother me. I've got a guy that I work with who is following Atkins I guess. He's on zero to few carbs. I see him shoveling (and it's gross) chicken into his mouth while we're working... and shoveling and shoveling.

    I spoke to him once or twice about that not being a very healthy way to lose weight because you can't sustain 0 carbs and carbs are healthy for you and you need them for your body to be functioning at optimum level so you can keep your metabolism moving -- but NO, his answer is "I have a problem with moderation on everything... I've lost a good bit of weight already so I'll just stick to this"

    Yes, he's grossly overweight and he probably has shocked his body into losing 35 pounds in not such a long period of time (I don't know how long he's been doing this)... but he tells me of "bad weekends" and one day he watched me eat watermelon and said "ah, watermelon, I miss watermelon". How long is something going to work when you cut out foods you love? Answer: Not very long at all. Too bad for them. We've found the answer and no one will listen... until they're ready.

    So the heck with them all! Don't waste your time... go exercise and kick their butt!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    It doesn't annoy me and here's why: THEY ARE TRYING and one of those fad diets is going to click a switch and someday they will be on the sustainable road to fitness.

    It happened to me. Weight Watcher's, severely restrictive calorie counting, NutriSystem. Those are the ways I've tried all my life. And they worked! Of course I did gain back weight. But this last time with NS I lost about 40 pounds in 3 months with no exercise and was jazzed. As the weight started to creep back up I got nervous. Realizing NS wasn't going to be my savior I turned to researching the web and found info on strength training which led me to MFP. I feel this is it!

    So don't ever give up, even if it's fads you are going for at the moment. Things will click sooner or later. I just wish they had clicked for me at a little younger age, but hey, 50 is the new 40, right?:laugh:
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    oh man this annoys me soo much .. i have plenty of friends who are on a different diet every week.. like silly ones like the atkins- this is not healthy or sustainable ! but i agree with others there is nothing we can do to change there minds! and the usual reason i get when i question why there doing a specific diet is because apparently its the only thing that works for there body .. hmmm i dont think so ! man this is definetly one of my pet peeves! and then all of a sudden im the one who is in the wrong for eating wholegrain bread becuase its a carb ? no im not in the wrong.. this is called a blanced lifestyle! ok rant over. good post :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You know what else is annoying? When someone constantly (and I mean ALL the time) complains about their weight to you (saying things like "I wish I was thin like YOU and not fat like ME!") but they turn around and eat 3 double cheeseburgers, large fry and large Coke from McDonald's and THEN stop at Dairy Queen for a nutter butter blizzard too.

    We all make decisions based on what WE want to do with our lives. I won't criticize how you eat, but really? Stop complaining at me if all you're going to do is stuff your face with junk. It drives me insane. If you aren't willing to change? You aren't going to lose weight.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    No matter what deit you do or even if you just watch your calories and exercise if you stop and go back to eating all the same old crap you will gain the weight back. Being healthy is not about doing diets, it's about changing your views on food and exercise and sticking with it. Yes I did HCG and it worked great for me, yes I could gain all of the weight back if I go back to eating the way I did before!!! But so can anyone who losses weight doing it the old fashioned way. Look at some of the people from Biggest Loser they lost the weight with diet and exercise and some of them quite doing what they should have done and have gained all the wieght back!!! So lets not blame it on just the fad diets, anyone can gain the weight back that they have lost.
    "Biggest Loser" is the ultimate fad diet. Those people are forced to eat disgustingly low calories for the amount of exercise they are pushed to do, plus they are constantly dehydrated to make their losses on the scale look that much more dramatic for the camera. So of course as soon as they try and go back to a "normal" lifestyle, and eat sensibly and work out normally, they balloon back up. It's no different than any other starvation diet.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    You know what else is annoying? When someone constantly (and I mean ALL the time) complains about their weight to you (saying things like "I wish I was thin like YOU and not fat like ME!") but they turn around and eat 3 double cheeseburgers, large fry and large Coke from McDonald's and THEN stop at Dairy Queen for a nutter butter blizzard too.

    We all make decisions based on what WE want to do with our lives. I won't criticize how you eat, but really? Stop complaining at me if all you're going to do is stuff your face with junk. It drives me insane. If you aren't willing to change? You aren't going to lose weight.

    DQ has nutter butter blizzards?!? Now that sounds good, thanks!
  • slimmer189
    slimmer189 Posts: 135 Member
    yes, we are a society of quick fixes - but the reality is that none of us put this weight on overnight and it won't come off overnight. This is not about a diet - it is about a new life style and re-learning how to eat right.
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    oh man this annoys me soo much .. i have plenty of friends who are on a different diet every week.. like silly ones like the atkins- this is not healthy or sustainable ! but i agree with others there is nothing we can do to change there minds! and the usual reason i get when i question why there doing a specific diet is because apparently its the only thing that works for there body .. hmmm i dont think so ! man this is definetly one of my pet peeves! and then all of a sudden im the one who is in the wrong for eating wholegrain bread becuase its a carb ? no im not in the wrong.. this is called a blanced lifestyle! ok rant over. good post :)
    What annoys me are people like you who criticize Atkins without apparently knowing the first dam thing about it. It is both health and sustainable and I can post scientific studies which back that up. Can you?
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You know what else is annoying? When someone constantly (and I mean ALL the time) complains about their weight to you (saying things like "I wish I was thin like YOU and not fat like ME!") but they turn around and eat 3 double cheeseburgers, large fry and large Coke from McDonald's and THEN stop at Dairy Queen for a nutter butter blizzard too.

    We all make decisions based on what WE want to do with our lives. I won't criticize how you eat, but really? Stop complaining at me if all you're going to do is stuff your face with junk. It drives me insane. If you aren't willing to change? You aren't going to lose weight.

    Apparently, they do. I have no idea as I am just passing along comments made to me by a friend of mine. lol
    DQ has nutter butter blizzards?!? Now that sounds good, thanks!
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    It doesn't annoy me so much that people do them, I mean so much of "dieting", as it were, is finding the thing that works for you. Where it gets annoying are the people who talk about how they're going to do this diet and their goal is to loose 20 lbs in a couple weeks or something like that. They talk about all the different diets they did, and you can tell they have no intention of continuing on once they reach their goal, that's what I find annoying. And honestly, it isn't annoying because they're talking and thinking that way, it's annoying because I want so badly to interrupt them and share my knowledge but I have to remind myself that I can't save the world. I try to just sit back and laugh knowing that their chance of success is extremely low but I can't because to me it's just more frustrating that they don't take the time to educate themselves and do things the right way.