Inspiration can be hard to find.

I don't even know where to start.
My biggest road block when it comes to losing weight definitely has to be lack of inspiration. I have two trips coming up next year and you would think that they motivate me, but for some reason I keep telling myself "you have time." The weird thing is that I know I have time which is good because IT TAKES TIME!! Weight loss takes time, it wont happen in a day, a week, or even possibly a month. But still Im stuck at that same phrase..."you have time."
Significant other you ask? No. I don't have someone who can motivate me to get up out of bed or off the couch and push me to be the best I can be. Maybe thats whats holding me back, I feel alone....huh, I've never really said that before. I try to pretend it doesn't bother me, but it does. I've never had luck in that department....cheated, gay, simply jerks. Dramatic? Possibly. Anyways, since this is one of my biggest obstacles, Im oping this website will change that.
Support from others will, hopefully, help me out of my rut and push me to continue losing the weight I want to lose. Feel free to write me a message or even add me, I need inspiration and support. Feel free to share any ideas!! :happy:


  • fourmenandalady
    Very true. That's why when you do find it you make a note somewhere so that when you feel discouraged you can go back and look at it!