Suggest me an exercise DVD that is not designed for daily ba



  • fb1960
    fb1960 Posts: 23
    Beachbody/Tony Horton has a Ten Minute Trainer series that is fully customizable. You can do as little as 10 minutes up to infinity, and so it seems you can dial up or down the number of days per week.

    Hope that helps?
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I checked out the p90X fitness test that determinate if I am ready for this or not. I am not home, so i have not able to to actually do these, but most of them i already know the answer based on previous workouts. ( I checked the female requirements)

    What I can not do:
    - i can not do even a single pull ups,
    - I can not do 15 knee pushups ( let alone regular push ups).

    what I know i can do:

    -I would pass the toe touch test with flying color, as i can easily reach beyond my toes. ( I am fairly flexible, I am very close to able to do forward splits)
    -I can do the 1 min wall squat, as I have done similar things, but that pushing my limit
    -I can do 10 biceps curls with 8lb , as I use 7lb on the 30 day shred, and have not even had muscle sore on my biceps.

    I do not have heart rate monitor, so I can not even measure that. and I haven't done it, but I think I would fail the vertical leap test.

    I am not afraid of investing 60-90 minutes 3 or max 4 times a week, but I can not the every single day thing.
    Since I fail multiple of the minimum requirement of p90X , I think it would be way over my limit in intensity. i do not think there is point of doing something so much over my head. maybe a half year from now, when I'll have already some initial strength, but definitely not now.
  • deanmarino
    deanmarino Posts: 41 Member
    Look into Power 90. I was the only one who mentioned this. You can do it!!!!

  • GeekGirlOnAQuest
    GeekGirlOnAQuest Posts: 84 Member

    You might also look into ChaLEAN Extreme, also from BeachBody. This program has three lifting days and cardio on the opposite days. The workouts last about 35 minutes and they always have one person lifting at a lower weight and one person using resistance bands instead of free weights. I am on my fourth time through this program and love it, although I sub out different things for the cardio. The program costs the same as P90X, which may seem like a lot, but it is a LOT cheaper than a gym membership and a trainer! Also, when you add up the cost of the DVDs (there are 6 in this set and each DVD has three workouts on it), the cost is very reasonable.

    I second ChaLean Extreme! I also only do her weight days and sub my own cardio and yoga, but her lifting workouts are great and you can start with what you can handle and work up from there. Even though this program also has a fit test, I wouldn't worry too much about what you can do now, as the focus is on building up from your starting point and comparing where you are at the end of each month.

    It's definitely worth the investment - I'm only on my second week and have no upper body strength, but I'm already doing better than I thought I would with this.