need help: extreme exhaustion and panic attacks



  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    Lots of amazing ideas and suggestions here. For exercise, I think yoga and walking are great ideas. I also find simple abdominal exercises can be a great way to start my day - literally and figuratively making me feel more "centered". I literally roll out of bed, onto the floor, and do a plank pose for just about 15 seconds longer after it gets hard (I started out doing 30 seconds I'm around 2 minutes, but it was literally by adding an additonal 5 seconds every week). It also lets me start the day feeling like I've accomplished something positive. =)

    For meals, I think spaghetti is a super easy one, and if you buy sauce with vegetables in it, you get the nutrients from the sauce (tomatoes) AND from the vegetables. I buy whole wheat pasta and stir wheat germ into the sauce to add fiber and slow emptying time (so you don't get carb crashes). I also will bake fish (from Costco so it's pre-marinated) and saute a pack of frozen veggies per person in some olive oil and spices like oregano, paprika, and garlic. If you each person has a whole pack of frozen veggies you don't really need a carby side dish. I also agree there is no shame is frozen meals when you are under tons of stress!!!

    Good luck and my prayers are with you!!
  • mariamyer
    mariamyer Posts: 34 Member
    Reading your post reminded me of how I felt a few years back. Caring for my mother with Alzheimer's and going through a divorce plus working full time. I read and journaled a lot. it seemed to calm me down. The Bible is an amazing book and will give you strength. The book I found most helpful was Boundaries. Really makes a difference when you actually can set boundaries with others and make time for yourself. My doctor prescribed medication for my anxiety and after a month of that decided it is not for me. Just made me feel very light headed. I also started up Yoga, bought a few dvd's and did them at home to help with relaxation and breathing. Everyone had some great ideas so take a deep breath and know that you need to make time for yourself so you can be a better person to those that are close to you.