cheat days

So it seems that most people have a cheat day somewhere in their week where they can take it easy and not eat as conservatively as they might every other day.

My question is when you're "cheating" how far do you go? Is it a "no holds barred" kind of day where you can have anything and everything, or do you only eat a certain amount of extra calories?


  • Sparrow_Feet
    Sparrow_Feet Posts: 76 Member
    I'm also interested in this. I have hit a plateau and want to try things to get the body losing again.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I double my BMR for my calorie goal, and yes I eat whatever I want.
    I think this is why I lost over 100lbs 7 years ago and I've kept it off. I call it a "Spike Day" because cheating sounds too negative and what the day actually does is spike up your metabolism.
  • alittlebitofperil
    Personally I've just had a 'cheat day' because my mum was cooking for me tonight along with the rest of our family and I don't like to make a fuss. I've gone about 450 cals over my usual daily target (eek!) which is more than I'd usually do on my rare cheat days, but I've eaten well for the last few weeks and for the rest of the day, and I'm going to try and end up burning off the excess over the next week with more daily excersize. Usually if I have a cheat day I'll treat myself to comething but then try and make it up with excersize, that way there's no guilt.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    I find ONE cheat meal is fine and I still lose weight...not a whole cheat day or cheat weekend.
  • uniquesoul73
    uniquesoul73 Posts: 151 Member
    I've turned my cheat days into cheat meals. I dont go all out anymore (I did when I first started) I just enjoy a meal that I want and that's it. There is really no rhyme or reason behind what I do. I found when I was doing whole cheat days, I was gaining more weight and basically cancelling out all my hard work through the week. A cheat meal here and there is what I go with now!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I personally don't believe in having a full on cheat day on purpose. Some days that were supposed to be good spiral out of control on their own sometimes and I count those as cheat days/meals after the fact. If I planned on them I would take advantage of every other day...for example, well, I had this on my cheat day, but I can have a little today...etc. I really don't deprive myself of anything I love, I just eat much smaller portions now and I love it!
  • MsCandyLynn
    i dont have an automtic built in cheat day..every day is a new day with me and, and i treat each day that way ..if i ate bad yesterday doesnt mean i only eat the bare minimum today...however if i "cheat" i still take full accountability for what i put in my mouth adn still try my damnest to keep it under my daily allowance ... i guess you could say if i cehat im eating my exercise calories... but to just flat out say ok on sunday i dont care ill eat what i want is going to get me no where quick!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I don't like to pre-designate cheat days. Rather, I will have a cheat meal every now and again (once maybe twice a week). I don't go way crazy with it, but maybe like having pizza out or going for mexican or chinese or a steak dinner. Just a nice treat!

    I don't like entire cheat days...they make it far too easy to fall off the wagon. If I cheat for an entire day eating whatever I want and not exercising then its very difficult to get back into my routine the next day. So I just allow a meal here and there when it comes up, afterall ya still have to have a social life.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    One of my coaches recommends using the 90% rule. That stick to your menus 90% of the time, and allow for 10% to be cheat meals.

    That doesn't mean down an entire triple cheese pizza, or make 12 trips to the KFC Buffet....but it does mean go out with your friends after the game and have some wings, or don't be afraid of a piece of cake at a birthday party.

    Food is one of lifes greatest pleasures, and you don't need to sacrifice everything in order to be healthy.

    So, 10% of your meals can be "cheaters". In other words...for someone who eats 6 times a day....that's 42 meals a week...10% of which is 4.2 meals a week.

    Just be concious if you're cheating more than those 4 meals every thats where you'll be going off.
  • Bijee
    Bijee Posts: 28 Member
    I double my BMR for my calorie goal, and yes I eat whatever I want.
    I think this is why I lost over 100lbs 7 years ago and I've kept it off. I call it a "Spike Day" because cheating sounds too negative and what the day actually does is spike up your metabolism.

    Do you have one of these days every week?
  • mariposa326
    mariposa326 Posts: 14 Member
    I don't have a whole day either, but I go out to dinner with my dad once a week, and that meal usually ends up being my cheat meal for the week. If I can find something reasonable to eat on the menu, I'll go for that, but it doesn't always happen. I don't beat myself up over it... it's bound to happen every once in a while! I've also heard that it's good for your metabolism to do that sometimes.
  • PandaFlight
    I don't cheat on purpose. But sometimes I'll have a bad day and pig out on some chocolate. As long as I don't go more than 300 calories over my limit then I don't beat myself up over it. Or it can happen when I'm drinking with friends. But it's not even a weekly occurance so I don't feel to bad in the grand scheme of things.
  • mommyrox05
    mommyrox05 Posts: 238
    I wouldn't call what I do a "CHEAT day" per say, but I do allow myself to have things every now and last night I had a good size piece of pineapple upsidedown cake....and didn't think twice about it. I think as long as you stick to what your calorie goal is on a regular basis then if you eat something that is off track then you are still safe! :)
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I call my more relaxed day "Intuitive Eating Day" which I do every Saturday. Basically it's a day that I don't track, and I try to listen to my hunger signals, and I also will enjoy some splurge foods. I don't go crazy or anything, and if I tracked it, I would guess that it's only around 2000 calories or so that I eat on Saturdays.

    I plan to be a full-time Intuitive Eater some day, and for now one day a week is just good practice.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I double my BMR for my calorie goal, and yes I eat whatever I want.
    I think this is why I lost over 100lbs 7 years ago and I've kept it off. I call it a "Spike Day" because cheating sounds too negative and what the day actually does is spike up your metabolism.

    Do you have one of these days every week?

    Yes every week for the past 7 years, usually on Saturday's, but I will move it around a bit to accommodate my plans like holiday's or parties.
  • froggy15
    froggy15 Posts: 154 Member
    A cheat day sounds good to me!
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I've done "cheat days" and "cheat meals", but I don't allow them to be "free for alls", either. Depending on what's going on, it may be one entire day or one meal on two days, typically the weekend. When I first start a serious weight-loss attempt, I still track those days, mostly just to keep myself from rationalizing that one more whatever won't really hurt. :) It also reinforces, for me, what eating like that EVERY day really means to my health and weight. Eventually, as I get into the swing of things, when my food choices become more natural or "automatic", I track my food less.

    Eating a couple of slices of pizza once in a while never killed anyone - unless maybe you have an anaphylactic reaction to it or something like that! ;0) However, eating a whole pizza... well, in my opinion, that's not the "idea" of a cheat day or meal, that's self sabotage! I actually find that my cheat days or meals aren't always about eating something "decandant". Sometimes it's just allowing myself to eat more of something that I like that is also good for me (second helping of fruit, for example).

    Good luck with whatever you decide. Just do what's BEST for YOU.
  • Bijee
    Bijee Posts: 28 Member
    I double my BMR for my calorie goal, and yes I eat whatever I want.
    I think this is why I lost over 100lbs 7 years ago and I've kept it off. I call it a "Spike Day" because cheating sounds too negative and what the day actually does is spike up your metabolism.

    Do you have one of these days every week?

    Yes every week for the past 7 years, usually on Saturday's, but I will move it around a bit to accommodate my plans like holiday's or parties.

    Can this be done over the weekend where I don’t necessarily double my BMR but where I may go over my calories on both those days and still be okay? On Saturdays I normally just have a home cooked breakfast a snack and then something for dinner, and Sunday it’s normally something quick in the morning before church a snack and then a homemade good Sunday dinner. This could work right?

    Thanks in advance for your help!
  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    I give myself a cheat day.. I eat what I want but you won't catch me eating a whole pizza. I still try to stay within my calories for the day. this past sunday I had ice cream cake and went to red lobster where I had fish and veggies and soda... didn't feel bad about it either. just came home and ran a mile... then I had some eggs with toast. whatever day it is, it's still about moderation and making good or not so good choices. it's just really up to you.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Possibly, I see the benefit is in actually having a small calorie surplus for a day. You could have your full Spike Day and then be a little over your calories the other day, and then to equal it out, go a little under the next.

    The benefit to metabolism is the surplus. When we constantly have a deficit of calories our it puts our body into a stressed out state and puts our metabolism on a gradual decline. One day a week with a surplus spikes metabolism back up making it easier to burn fat the other 6 days, re-stabilizing hormone levels, and restoring muscle glycogen making it our workouts even more effective.
    I've done "cheat days" and "cheat meals", but I don't allow them to be "free for alls", either. Depending on what's going on, it may be one entire day or one meal on two days, typically the weekend. When I first start a serious weight-loss attempt, I still track those days, mostly just to keep myself from rationalizing that one more whatever won't really hurt. :) It also reinforces, for me, what eating like that EVERY day really means to my health and weight. Eventually, as I get into the swing of things, when my food choices become more natural or "automatic", I track my food less.

    Eating a couple of slices of pizza once in a while never killed anyone - unless maybe you have an anaphylactic reaction to it or something like that! ;0) However, eating a whole pizza... well, in my opinion, that's not the "idea" of a cheat day or meal, that's self sabotage! I actually find that my cheat days or meals aren't always about eating something "decandant". Sometimes it's just allowing myself to eat more of something that I like that is also good for me (second helping of fruit, for example).

    Good luck with whatever you decide. Just do what's BEST for YOU.