We don't need your @#$%#% supplements!!

The NFL season is almost upon us, so I've started listening to more sports-talk radio during my commute.

Sure enough, I've started hearing the ads for the miracle supplements which will increase my testosterone levels, restore lost energy and improve my sex drive.

Now, in the past, the sultry voice of the woman on the ad would ineviatably make me feel bad. Her questions "Wouldn't you like to have the energy you had in your twenties?", "Wouldn't you like to stop feeling tired all of the time?", "Wouldn't you like to regain your stamina in the bedroom?" would all remind me that I was getting older, fatter and less active. :grumble:

I heard one of those ads this morning and broke out into a big grin! :bigsmile:

I'm feeling better than I have in years!

I'm almost 50 pounds lighter than I was at the start of the year and I'm running 20+ miles a week.

I've gained all of the benefits they're touting for their magical supplements and I did it myself.

Say it with me! "We don't need your @#$%#% supplements!" :happy:


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member

    Now, in the past, the sultry voice of the woman on the ad would ineviatably make me feel bad. Her questions "Wouldn't you like to have the energy you had in your twenties?", "Wouldn't you like to stop feeling tired all of the time?", "Wouldn't you like to regain your stamina in the bedroom?" would all remind me that I was getting older, fatter and less active. :grumble:

    "Wouldn't you like to have all your hair fall off your head and migrate down to your chest and back?" That seems to be the effect of too much testosterone.

    EDIT! I just realised it sounds really rude! I just mean, that is one of the side effects of taking testosterone!

  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
  • "Wouldn't you like to have all your hair fall off your head and migrate down to your chest and back?" That seems to be the effect of too much testosterone.

    They forgot to mention that part! :laugh:

    Then, again I'm hairy all over - even without the supplements!
  • Sugarchef
    Sugarchef Posts: 319 Member
    Good for you! You can tell the b**** with the sultry voice to shut the f*** up. You got this all on your own :)
  • spampeg
    spampeg Posts: 24 Member
    Say it with me! "We don't need your @#$%#% supplements!" :happy:

  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Hear, hear! :happy:
  • lbelfrey
    lbelfrey Posts: 63
    Say it with me! "We don't need your @#$%#% supplements!" :happy:


    Every time I hear one of those add I tell my boys not to fall for those adds when they get older. Then a few months later there will be a commercial for a law firm saying, " If you took _ _ _ and got sick from it you could have a good case to sue them".
    No thanks, "We don't need your @#$%#% supplements!"
  • ebramlett
    ebramlett Posts: 306 Member
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    dam* straight! lol
    W2G on doing it the healthier way =)