Career Decision

So I work as a family therapist right now and I am looking to pick something to specialize in for my career as it develops.

I decided today that I really want to specialize in working with obesity. I think it would be an amazing way to touch people's lives and I think it would be a really rewarding career path.

I feel like in order to do that I really need to conquer my own weight and body image issues. This is really motivating for me because I am really sure that this is my calling in the field.

I was wondering if people had any thoughts on this or felt like this might be helpful in your journey. I don't think this is a common thing for therapists to focus on, but I feel like it could be very helpful for those of us on this journey. I wish I had someone like this to work with now!


  • DjBliss05
    So I work as a family therapist right now and I am looking to pick something to specialize in for my career as it develops.

    I decided today that I really want to specialize in working with obesity. I think it would be an amazing way to touch people's lives and I think it would be a really rewarding career path.

    I feel like in order to do that I really need to conquer my own weight and body image issues. This is really motivating for me because I am really sure that this is my calling in the field.

    I was wondering if people had any thoughts on this or felt like this might be helpful in your journey. I don't think this is a common thing for therapists to focus on, but I feel like it could be very helpful for those of us on this journey. I wish I had someone like this to work with now!
  • HealthyKt78
    That's a great idea. I think people like myself would much rather go to someone who's been through the same things as them than someone who has no idea what it's like to be "fat"

    You could do a great thing helping since you can relate. No one would feel judged or anything like that. Just like on here, we don't feel judged because we're all trying to work towards a similar goal. I feel as if that's the most important thing when it comes to therapy.

    ***I'm not saying that therapists who haven't been through a similar experience are judging, just that it's a lot easier to feel as if they are when you feel like they don't know how it is.
  • cmdelux
    Yeah, being able to personally relate to what your client is going through can help you to be more therapeutic. I know as a registered nurse, it has helped me when I am talking with patients about weight loss, diet, and exercise to be able to say to them, "It IS hard, I have struggled with it too, here's what I have tried that has helped me." They don't feel like you are talking down to them so much when they find out that you've gone through a similar challenge. Plus you having a success story of your own will be an inspiration to them.
    I think having a therapist who specializes in obesity issues would be amazing. Especially since for many people losing weight isn't just about deciding to eat right and exercise, but has a lot of emotional / psychological factors mixed in. I know for myself for instance, when I am overtired and feel beaten down by a rough day at the hospital, all I want to do is come home, curl up in something warm, and read a book while I eat a big bowl of some ridiculously fattening comfort food. Over time I have been able to figure out what my triggers for overeating are, and I am working on avoiding them, but having someone to talk with who could have guided me through that discovery process would probably have saved me YEARS, lol. Good luck with starting in that direction in your career - I think it is a wonderful idea!

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