Put on a stone while on maternity leave, need too lose 6 any

Been on maternity leave for 10 months now, going back to work next monday :(
Breastfed my baby until she was 5 months old and my weight was steady, then stuffed my face for the next 5 months.
I walk my labrador every day and generally do about 5 miles but it doesnt seem to help at all because of the amount of food I eat.
So just found this website after searching Zumba which I bought on Monday an absofrigginglutely love!!!! I am determined to get down to my ideal weight which is around 10 stone, currently weigh 16 so got a long way to go.

sorry if this is boring but I think if i write it down.
(because i am going back to work cant walk the dog as far, she is being looked after by grandparents so she wont loose out on excercise!)

Mon 30 mins dog walking
Tues 30 mins dog walking
Wed 1 1/2 hour dog walking - 30 mins Zumba (my day off :))
Thurs 1 1/2 hour dog walking
Fri 30 mins dog walking
Sat 30 mins zumba
Sun 2 hour dog walking - 30 mins zumba

All I need to do now is train my brain into not feeling hungry all the time, i never get full!
