Any londonders our here??



  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    You are so right. I'm a Londoner and respect all cultures but do not think multi-culturalism works at all :-(

    Its all races looting and riotiung but obviously only certain people are being shown
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Whilst I in NO WAY condone this behaviour this has been a long time coming. We are dealing with a sub-culture of people who do not think rationally, have had such poor experiences, little or no parenting, failure at school and see nothing to live for. Most of these young men see their future as either being dead or in jail so in their eyes they have nothing to lose and they have been angry for a long time.

    Again, I am in no way excusing this horrific discgusting behaviour BUT it is time that the root problems are addressed
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    basically they are using the excuse of a drug dealing,gun toting man being shot to torch buses, attack people, burn homes and businesses. They do not have the vision to realise that it is thir town and neighbours that are now homeless with no jobs. Mindless violence...from mainly black and asian youths with an agenda...they will never have work and a salary....but will always expect the UK to keep them in benefits...I feel sorry for the people of the UK that have homes and businesses in these places thar are now trashed!!!

    I live in a place a long way from London where there is high unemployment., very little multi culti..but could never envisage this type of thing happening
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    Whilst I in NO WAY condone this behaviour this has been a long time coming. We are dealing with a sub-culture of people who do not think rationally, have had such poor experiences, little or no parenting, failure at school and see nothing to live for. Most of these young men see their future as either being dead or in jail so in their eyes they have nothing to lose and they have been angry for a long time.

    Again, I am in no way excusing this horrific discgusting behaviour BUT it is time that the root problems are addressed

    Yep I do agree
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    basically they are using the excuse of a drug dealing,gun toting man being shot to torch buses, attack people, burn homes and businesses. They do not have the vision to realise that it is thir town and neighbours that are now homeless with no jobs. Mindless violence...from mainly black and asian youths with an agenda...they will never have work and a salary....but will always expect the UK to keep them in benefits...I feel sorry for the people of the UK that have homes and businesses in these places thar are now trashed!!!

    I live in a place a long way from London where there is high unemployment., very little multi culti..but could never envisage this type of thing happening

    And becauase you live far from London, have not experienced the 'experiement' that is multiculturalism and have never engaged with such people you will never, never understand why this has happened.

    It is such a terrible shame, the whole thing
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976

    Whilst I in NO WAY condone this behaviour this has been a long time coming. We are dealing with a sub-culture of people who do not think rationally, have had such poor experiences, little or no parenting, failure at school and see nothing to live for. Most of these young men see their future as either being dead or in jail so in their eyes they have nothing to lose and they have been angry for a long time.

    Again, I am in no way excusing this horrific discgusting behaviour BUT it is time that the root problems are addressed

    What a load of tosh!!! we all got here and are very supportive and mindul of people that we post to and lots of peole on this forum have had terrible journeys! It is a simple case of using `blackberry` phones which are not traceable to contact their `friends` tolet them know where their is a shop to steal from. They do not care who they hurt along the way. The parents are of the same ilk. None of them are ver going to change and be a caring member of society! Do you think for one minute tthey are ever going to be on this website giving you support????
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I'm in Norwich so not too far away, it seems to be spreading to the larger cities, Birmingham, Leeds and apparently Reading also.
    I just don't understand whats going on and whats got into people. If they are not all careful the Goverment will call in the Army to police the streets. I just feel so sorry for the people and the families in the area and people say they are looting because they get anything for their taxes? well that is not a reason to steal from other tax payers.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member

    What a load of tosh!!! we all got here and are very supportive and mindul of people that we post to and lots of peole on this forum have had terrible journeys! It is a simple case of using `blackberry` phones which are not traceable to contact their `friends` tolet them know where their is a shop to steal from. They do not care who they hurt along the way. The parents are of the same ilk. None of them are ver going to change and be a caring member of society! Do you think for one minute tthey are ever going to be on this website giving you support????

    I totally agree with you. My only point was that there are underlying reasons for things, (far too layered and highly inappropriate to be discussed on a health and fitness forum). I agree with all that you have said. I would never EVER justify such abhorrent, digusting, vile behaviour.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    My heart thoughts and prayers go out to all of the innocent victims who's lives have been affected and in some cases ruined my this tragic horrific display of disorder
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Many of my friends live all across north London (I live just outside) and those in Enfield were particularly affected, but I'm more worried for my boyfriend who works for the Met Police and was called in too assist. I just hope he stays safe. The news is being very critical of the police, but I know how many extra people have been called in, and it's barely scratching the surface...

    I really hope it doesn't stretch further out into the suburbs and to other cities, the country isn't going to cope...
  • gemmie_c
    gemmie_c Posts: 129 Member
    just on the outside thank goodness. Lots of friends and family in the areas (and the Met Police). Worrying times indeed. :(
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Many of my friends live all across north London (I live just outside) and those in Enfield were particularly affected, but I'm more worried for my boyfriend who works for the Met Police and was called in too assist. I just hope he stays safe. The news is being very critical of the police, but I know how many extra people have been called in, and it's barely scratching the surface...

    I really hope it doesn't stretch further out into the suburbs and to other cities, the country isn't going to cope...

    Will be thinking of you! ((HUGS)) i am thankful for people like your boyfriend giong out!
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Many of my friends live all across north London (I live just outside) and those in Enfield were particularly affected, but I'm more worried for my boyfriend who works for the Met Police and was called in too assist. I just hope he stays safe. The news is being very critical of the police, but I know how many extra people have been called in, and it's barely scratching the surface...

    I really hope it doesn't stretch further out into the suburbs and to other cities, the country isn't going to cope...

    Some of the people on the news are retarded they are interviewing Ken Livingston on BBC at the minute and he is saying it is because there aren't enough jobs and if you look on Sky news they are saying it is mainly teanagers of school and college age.

    My thoughts go out to your boyfriend I hear they have called in air support from Surrey now also.
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    I feel sorry for the people who started the peaceful protest. They went out to do good, and now they have to live with the fallout, which was hardly their fault.

    Here's to hoping it spreads no further. It's about 4 miles from where I am currently.
  • I am not from or in London but this makes me so sad. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by this.
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    This is awful, how on earth can this situation be brought under control. These kids are just rampaging and nothing can be done to stop them. New areas springing up all the time, how can the police be expected to cope with this on their own? It's sickening watching the pictures unfold and hearing the stories of the diffrent disturbances.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    This is awful, how on earth can this situation be brought under control. These kids are just rampaging and nothing can be done to stop them. New areas springing up all the time, how can the police be expected to cope with this on their own? It's sickening watching the pictures unfold and hearing the stories of the diffrent disturbances.

    I think what is quite bad is that Sky News are trying to make out the police are the ones in the wrong as they aren't getting enough people to places. They are not just looting shops anymore they had one lady and she sounded quite old and they had broke into her house.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    This is awful, how on earth can this situation be brought under control. These kids are just rampaging and nothing can be done to stop them. New areas springing up all the time, how can the police be expected to cope with this on their own? It's sickening watching the pictures unfold and hearing the stories of the diffrent disturbances.

    I think what is quite bad is that Sky News are trying to make out the police are the ones in the wrong as they aren't getting enough people to places. They are not just looting shops anymore they had one lady and she sounded quite old and they had broke into her house.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    This is awful, how on earth can this situation be brought under control. These kids are just rampaging and nothing can be done to stop them. New areas springing up all the time, how can the police be expected to cope with this on their own? It's sickening watching the pictures unfold and hearing the stories of the diffrent disturbances.

    DOuble post
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    theye were looting behind my house i saw them climb through windows, they need to get the army in!