Any tips on losing the last 10-15lbs that have actually work

I am struggling to lose those last 10-15 lbs and would appreciate any tips that helped you break through those "survival" pounds.


  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    the most common thing I've heard is to up your calorie intake to a half pound a week loss and switch up your exercise routine...
  • hunterzmomma
    I am going through the same thing, my weight keeps bouncing back and forth for these last lbs, feel free to add me if u want! I just started the shred 10 days ago and I think it's gonna help me push past this!
  • magpie87
    magpie87 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the same boat...I have about 10 lbs still to lose. I just started doing Tae Bo and I'm loving it. It's a great workout! Don't get discouraged when you don't lose in a week. I've stayed the same weight for a month now and I'm doing everything I can to lose those last 10 pesky pounds! Good luck!
  • nlfrancis
    Once you plateau you need to change up your routine and up your calories. Usually it means that you are burning more calories than you are taking in and your body has gone into survival mode.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm down to my last 6 and what got me here was upping my calories, doing a lil more strength training and changing the way I eat.
    I recently started cutting out lunch meat and bread, and adding in more veggies/yogurt/milk.

    You really just have to play around and see what works for your body.. I know mine are coming off slower than molasses.. so don't get discouraged.. thats for sure!
  • c_ramey
    c_ramey Posts: 83 Member
    That is what I am working on. :( I feel like I will never get those pounds off!! I am going to change my eating around some, and vary my exercise routine some. I have also started strength training in the last month.