Any vegetarians out there allergic to corn too?

Hey all. I've been a vegetarian for several years and love it. About five months ago I found out that I am allergic to corn. :o( this severely limits what I can eat due to the fact that corn is in fricken everything! It also dampers my meat-substitute choices.

What do y'all eat? I thought maybe we could swap some ideas and whatnot, support each other. Being a veggie and allergic to corn is a hard combination!


  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Honestly, I don't eat much processed stuff, so it's pretty easy to avoid allergens. On the rare occasion I eat a faux meat product, I like Field Roast, don't know if it has corn, but it doesn't have soy. I also like Sunshine Burgers - the organic garden herb - only made from rice and veggies. If you are eating processed foods, it makes it a lot harder, so maybe you should see this as an opportunity to explore the world of more whole foods. No need for faux meat products - add yummy homemade bean burgers or dahl or veggie chili.
  • cmsiemsen
    cmsiemsen Posts: 78 Member
    Yea, this allergy realization and getting healthy happened to coincide timing-wise. Since then, I have severely cut down my processed foods. I will look into Field Roast & sunshine burgers. A friend told me about bean burgers but somehow I never thought about making them myself. Good idea! Thanks!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Make sure to double check those products for corn, 'cause I don't know if it's an ingredient. There are great recipes online for things like bean burgers or soups and stews. Substitute things like beans and mushrooms for things you might have put a faux meat product in. There are great veggie blogs, too. One I really like is called Little House of Veggies.