"Everything in moderation" not working for me, HELP!



  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I cleaned a lot of crap out of my diet a long time ago, and quite frankly I don't miss it!! And I agree that regardless of the type of food, too much is too much. My biggest issue when I started losing weight wasn't necessarily my diet itself. I was already making a lot of healthy choices, but I was just eating too much and not exercising enough.

    I also completely agree, that it's all about what works best for you!! I often say "if I own it I will eat it." So I try to keep the fridge and pantry stocked with healthy foods. My last trip to Wegmans was pretty much just fresh fruits and veggies since the freezer is loaded w/protein. Heaven forbid I bring a jar of Nutella into the house....

    But we do "relax" a bit on weekends when we go out. I did fall into the trap of eating things because "I earned" them after a long bike ride or big run and that is a VERY slippery slope and IMO it had a role in the 15# or so I packed on since I hit my lowest weight about 2 years ago. Overall, though, this approach has worked for me...in spite of the weight I have gained, I have maintained a 50# loss for over 3 years now.
  • FutureM
    FutureM Posts: 9
    Wow! You sounds just like me. Every time I slip off of my "diet" for a cheat day or try to tell myself "only one" it's a total catastrophe! I've just started realizing that I cannot keep trying to make "everything in moderation" work for me, because it doesn't. That's why I recently joined this site. I'm trying to eat WHOLE, NATURAL, "good for me" foods and stay away from processed, chemical, bad fat foods. I'm only on day two (ha!)... but i already feel SO much better and feel like my mind is much more clear! :)

    But, I joined this site for extra support to stay away from those bad foods and keep my new lifestyle going. I don't want this to be just a diet. Also, I just read Jillian Michael's book "Master Your Metabolism" and it basically talks about how all these crap foods mess with our body's hormones and causes us to feel differently and basically, be fat!

    So... maybe we can encourage each other! haha
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    If you found something that works for you, that's wonderful. I *think* the moderation thing works for me - I still eat a cookie or a HoHo here and there - but I really have to go out of my way for it, whereas before, I'd always have that stuff around. So who knows, maybe I *did* just cut all that stuff out.

    I think it's absolutely true that moderation doesn't work for everyone. There are people who have serious trigger foods who are not able, without bigtime help and work, to eat reasonable portions of those foods and then STOP. It's not a matter of willpower; it's compulsive. It can be treated, but if it's easier to avoid that food all together - I say go with that option. It's about finding what works and is sustainable in the long run.
  • javablondie
    javablondie Posts: 411 Member
    Never been a fan of the "everything in moderation" philosophy. Some things I shouldn't eat and to me it's a slippery **slop** of excuses right up there with the "just this one time" mentality. That said congrats on recognizing it doesn't work for you and more importantly congrats on your weight loss so far.

    Love this potentially Freudian slip.
  • javablondie
    javablondie Posts: 411 Member
    I don't believe in moderation. An insulin spike is an insulin spike.
    Just my opinion of course.

    Exactly. I agree with sentence 1, 2, and 3!

    And love your signature quote, ""People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost." –the Dalai Lama"

    I fully support the original poster - do what works for *you*. [I can't believe all the "you're doing it wrong, you just don't know moderation, etc" type replies!]
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    I totally agree with you. I've tried to eat in moderation. With me, that's not possible. If I eat junk, I can't stop. I tried for the longest time to drink only one can of soda per day/week/month, whatever. I can't do it. So I gave up on that idea. I am trying to eliminate extra sugar and processed foods now. Good luck and congratulations!