
I'm new to this website. Looking at this site gives me hope that this time I will stick with it and not quit like I did with all the other diet plans. Everybody here is so supportive and kind.


  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Welcome to the site. Everyone here is very supportive. It's easier to succeed with the support of positive people. Believe in yourself and you'll do great! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Welcome lsmoore66. You'll get good support here.
  • Bluejay789
    Bluejay789 Posts: 176
    I have done every diet, scam, or newest craze there is out there only to put the pounds back on and feel like a failure. I have now been doing this for two weeks. First week I lost three pounds. I have not weighed this week as I do not want to get over excited.

    So you do not make the mistake I made on day three, add what you want to eat for dinner prior to eating. My husband cooked grilled chicken with penne pasta and red sauce. Well I ate first and then added my calories. Blew the entire day including what I worked off by walking for 30 minutes. Take the time to add you food and get a general idea of what you can eat to stay with in your calorie range.

    Healthy choice steam meals are great for lunch because they are around 220 to 310 calories, add small salad but watch the dressings as loaded with fat and calories.

    If you take the time to add what you eat and you will definitely loose. First week was the hardest as adding items in my food log but if you eat the same things for lunch and breakfast, then dinner is easy and you can always treat yourself.

    You can do this and I would love to help keep you motivated. Good luck! Claire :happy: