mfp works, and tells the truth!

Hi all - mfp told me this morning I had logged in for 100 days in a row. During that time I've had successes and failures, I've had plateaus and frustrations and despair thinking that scale wasn't moving fast enough, and there were times I wanted to quit but my buddy kept me going. I would see little successes but it didn't seem much at the time.

Well, today I weighed myself and after 100 days (about 14 weeks) I've lost a total of 21.8 lbs - which is a loss of 1.53 lbs per week! Whoo, hoo!

Just wanted to share this to tell everybody who is struggling, to eat healthy (no fad diets), stay the course, work through the plateaus, continue to track, increase your exercise, and - most important ...

TRUST MFP when they say that, if you follow their information and USE this great tool, you WILL lose about 1.5 lbs per week and eventually get to where you want to be!

All the best, everybody!


  • RoosterB
    RoosterB Posts: 214 Member
    Great work and encourages the rest of us. Sounds like a good rate to lose it.
  • ammient3
    ammient3 Posts: 82 Member
    That's great on your loss! I have problems with my calories I can't eat as much as I should, because of my exercise calories I can't eat them back on the kinds of food I like, my only choice is milk & that's to high in Fat!! Still staying positive and focused!

    Keep up the awesome work...
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    So true! Fantastic work! Keep it up.
  • ronchap
    ronchap Posts: 60
    I agree it works. I'm closing in on a hundred pounds for the year. The first couple months were hard until I figured out smart choices how to vary things I cooked and quit trying to diet.