I'm not a rabbit...

xarra Posts: 128 Member
The only fruit I really like is bananas and blueberries, and veggies only feature in dinner time (carrots & potatoes, peppers & onion, generally) I can't stand salad and while I have sun dried tomatoes in my ham wrap for lunch...

I like humous, but don't have it often... Um... Any suggestions on how I can boost my fruit & veg intake?


  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Im the same I hate vegetables I love fruits of all kinds. I honestly just try to fit them in places like put more vegetables in your wrap or if you have eggs for breakfast pop some in there. I also just put a vegtable into google and find different ways to cook them and just experiment till I find a way I like it
  • sgrinavi
    sgrinavi Posts: 80

    eat the banana in moderation

    Potato, carrots & onion are not really veggies - they are starches

    humous is a legume mixed with oil

    You don't eat ham every day, right?

    Sorry, but those are cold, hard, facts.

    Do you like soup?
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Green smoothies. I have one a day for my veggie intake (greens). They look gross, but taste good.

    Here's a recipe I'd start with:

    1-2 cups of baby spinach
    1 FROZEN banana (I do a 1/2 for few calories, but you may want to start out with a whole just so you make sure you don't taste the spinach at all)
    a handful of FROZEN strawberries
    You can add a bit of honey or agave if you need it sweeter - I don't
    8 oz of water or so.

    Blend. Blend really well. Add ice if your blender heats it up too much (some cheaper ones will). Make sure it's cold.

    Enjoy. Again- it looks gross. But trust me, you can't taste the spinach.
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    Yep, a slice of ham in a wrap for lunch every day... See my diary...

    And I'm not sure what counts as a veggie if a carrots doesn't!
  • j_cro
    j_cro Posts: 10
    I know you say you don't like salad, but maybe mix a few spinach leaves in with your sandwich every day? Grated raw carrot is a lovely sweet snack to munch on as well...

    I'd agree with the smoothie option to up your fruit or veg intake as the easiest way if you're not a big fan....
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    I might try lettuce... Spinach I'm not sure on... Not had it for YEARS...
  • j_cro
    j_cro Posts: 10
    It's nice in a sandwich or wrap, baby spinach leaves not the big spinach leaves...You could try using a lettuce leaf instead of the flour tortilla to make a wrap too, I love doing that!
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    maybe you just need to be more open-minded.....and try everything
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    The problem is, most fruit smoothie recipes involve apple juice. I can't stand apples!

    I'm a lot more open minded than I was as a kid, I just also have a limited budget, so the ham is a bulk buy that lasts for most of the month!

    I'll try more peppers and the spinach thingy... :)
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    The smoothie will mask the taste of the spinach. you can use blueberries instead of strawberries if you don't like them.

    Carrots and potatoes are veggies - but they are starchy veggies and have different nutrients than other vegetables (and more calories). Here is a list of common veggies and fruit - if you haven't tried them, at least try them. http://www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org/?page_id=1600 Lots of different ways to prepare so experiment. If you are on a budget, check out the ads for frozen veggies. They have just as many vitamins, but if you watch for sales and stock up, you can get a big bag for as little as $1 - and each bag will last you probably 2 days. (the reason they are listed by color is an easy rule of thumb is to get in as many different colors as possible since different colors tend to indicate different vitamins and nutrients).
  • sgrinavi
    sgrinavi Posts: 80
    Yep, a slice of ham in a wrap for lunch every day... See my diary...

    And I'm not sure what counts as a veggie if a carrots doesn't!

    Don't get me wrong, you can lose weight eating peanut butter ice cream as long as you are on a negative caloric balance, but you're going to be miserable doing so as you will always be hungry.

    You might try swapping that ham out for turkey or chicken. There's a ton of junk that you don't really need in processed smoked meats. "Cold-cuts" in general are not great, but if you have to at-least pick the better ones.

    Carrots.. along with any root crop, are a starch. Sorry.

    I've heard the " I can't eat green veggies saga" a million times, and every time I get some one eating them (in the proper volume / manner) they find success.
  • stephreed11
    stephreed11 Posts: 158 Member
    Carrots are considered a vegetable, & you can eat a slice of ham everyday if you want. It does have a lot of sodium & may not keep you full longer than other proteins, but don't feel like you're being sinful if you have it. Some things bother me when I read them & I have to throw my 2 cents in. ;)

    On another note, I've just started trying to really incorporate fruits & veggies back into my diet. Check out emilybites.com, she has great recipes & usually tries to incorporate f&v's religiously.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Raw baby spinach is really good is just about anything. It doesn't have a strong taste and would go will in your lunchtime wrap.
    What about avocado? You could use that in your wrap instead of ham sometimes.

    You could try making some veggie patties - grate up zuccini, carrot, onion, add finely diced peppers, corn, broccoli or just about any other veggie. Add an egg and a spoonful of flour and cook spoonfuls in a non stick pan. These won't taste strongly of any one veggie, but will be delicous.

    And maybe you could just try something new each week. You say you are on a budget, so look out for what is in season in your area. Buy just a little bit, take it home and google a recipe for that veggie. If you don't like it you haven't lost a lot, but if you do, you've expanded your choices!

    Lot's of people say "I don't like veggies" but no one can have tried every kind of veggie, cooked everyway. Be open minded and you will get some delicious surprises!
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    I can honestly say that I hated salad when I started on MFP. But I have grown to love it, I enjoy having it for lunch now. I jazz it up with hummus and cottage cheese.
  • sgrinavi
    sgrinavi Posts: 80
    Carrots are considered a vegetable, & you can eat a slice of ham everyday if you want. It does have a lot of sodium & may not keep you full longer than other proteins, but don't feel like you're being sinful if you have it. Some things bother me when I read them & I have to throw my 2 cents in. ;)

    I know what you mean. I hate it when people glaze over the facts with fuzzy logic.

    What are your qualifications again?
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Carrots are considered a vegetable, & you can eat a slice of ham everyday if you want. It does have a lot of sodium & may not keep you full longer than other proteins, but don't feel like you're being sinful if you have it. Some things bother me when I read them & I have to throw my 2 cents in. ;)

    I know what you mean. I hate it when people glaze over the facts with fuzzy logic.

    What are your qualifications again?

    I like the ballsy going on here.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Find a good, non-starchy veg that you can tolerate and just make yourself eat it regularly. Maybe you'll "acquire" a taste for it.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Carrots are considered a vegetable, & you can eat a slice of ham everyday if you want. It does have a lot of sodium & may not keep you full longer than other proteins, but don't feel like you're being sinful if you have it. Some things bother me when I read them & I have to throw my 2 cents in. ;)
    I know what you mean. I hate it when people glaze over the facts with fuzzy logic.

    What are your qualifications again?
    I like the ballsy going on here.
    I know! I kind of swooned when I saw this...
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    I am the same. You could try fresh green beans grilled with a little salt and pepper. Sometimes I sautee them with a little olive oil, pretty yummy!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    How about cabbage, it's versatile! You could stir fry it with some bamboo shoots, have it in a stew or raw in a salad. Courgettes and pak choi are yummy.

    There are so many different salad leaves, keep trying them!!

    Have you tried roasting some mixed veg, it tends to make them taste sweeter.

    I love vegetables!!