Yep, I am gonna go there...sorry



  • maysflower
    maysflower Posts: 180
    When I ate crap I was never constipated or had any bowel issues at all. I start eating healthy and what happens...constipation and bowel problems. I drink 8 to 12 glasses of water a day, get a good amount of fiber, and fat with no difference. I started taking Benefiber and that was a BIG mistake. It gave me horrible gas and bloating. I'm hoping that eventually my body will adapt to my new lifestyle, but I feel for you sister. It sucks...big time!
  • mommyrox05
    mommyrox05 Posts: 238
    I have the same'd think with all of the fruits and veggies that it would be much easier to go to the bathroom, but it is soooooo not! If I haven't gone for a day, the next night I drink a cup of this tea called "Smooth Move" it is by the breand organics, that night and the next morning I am ready to go!
  • soonersgirl
    soonersgirl Posts: 254 Member
    Thanks for your input everyone! I drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday, so I think I am pretty good there. I guess the stuff I used to eat just went right through me and I am not used to this yet. I think I am going to start taking a softener...hopefully that helps :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Add a few tablespoons of flax meal into your diet. You can add it to almost anything and even microwave it into a really quick and easy muffin. (I have the recipe, if you want it) You might also try a probiotic, which when taken daily, is supposed to keep your digestive system balanced and humming along.
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    You could actually be getting too much fiber to fast. How much fiber are you getting in relation to how much water you are drinking?
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    Okay, I commonly have this issue and I will tell you what has worked for me (I refuse to take stool softeners because 1. they cause dependence to have a bowel movement, and 2. this is probably diet related so it can be fixed for real

    You NEED fats. If you don't have them in high enough amounts, you will not use el bano! Things to include in your diet are fats from fish, nuts, olive oil, avocado etc. You can look up the good fats (they can lower your cholesterol!).

    Eat more fiber than you ever thought possible. I consume 40g and I am finally seeing a difference when combined with the fats. Increase this slowly, or you may be constipated OR have diarrhea for two or so days. (Speaking from experience here)

    Drink MORE than 8 glasses of water a day! I hate the 8 glasses a day rule. Drink more, especially on days that you work out.

    I hope this helps. I usually have two cups of strong HOT black tea in the morning if I'm not feeling the urge. I hear that coffee helps as well.
  • lissarv68
    To really go there....when I first started eating better, I had the worse gas possible. So bad that my 8-year old start cracking jokes about not needing to put gas in the car...we could just use mom's.


    But thankfully it passed and my body has mostly adjusted. The memory of those couple of weeks though, dreadful because cramping went right along with it. My body did NOT want to give up it's junk.

    BTW, stool softeners and antacids are addictive. Your body becomes dependent upon them and it causes a vicious positive feedback cycle that means you can't really get off them. They should be used sparingly.

    Probiotics actually made things worse for me (points to the gas comment). I just had to wait it out and give my body time to adjust to the change.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    I followed all the coventional wisdom which was a huge mistake for my health. Now I am eating to heal my digestion instead. Costs less, works better and my body likes me again. Check out my profile for the direct link to Chris Kresser's article on healing digestion. Transformed my weight loss journey. See ticker...digestive supplements/protocols broke me free from a 5 month plateau.