Sugar Overdose!

I've been tracking my calories on this site for about two weeks now. In the last two weeks, I've lost about 11 pounds. I've been exercising six days per week, on average. Five days a week I ride my bike for about 45 minutes to one hour and usually get about 12-15 miles in. The sixth day I ride with friends and we usually do about 25-35 miles depending on our time constraints.

Here's my problem: I always seem to hover right around the sugar limit every day. For example, when planning my meal for today, breakfast and lunch, I included a banana for breakfast and some raw carrots for lunch or snack. Even with burning 702 calories riding my bike this morning, I'm already within one gram of my sugar limit for the day and I haven't even gotten through lunch yet. How is everyone maintaining sugar and still keeping a balanced diet. I have my diary open and would welcome your suggestions. I think I've done fairly well over the last few weeks, but I don't want to be undernourishing in certain areas and overdosing on sugar.



  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    sugar is one of those funny ones to track. on the one hand, our bodies need natural sugars. on the other, there are processed sugars in everything.

    so i track my sugar, but i've decided not to dwell on that number. if i have a peach and get half my daily sugars, i'm not going to worry about it b/c i know that my body knows how to metabolize that sugar. but if i have processed foods with a high sugar content, THAT number i keep an eye on.

    make sense?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i dont monitor my sugar because i eat quite a lot of fruit, so i know i would be over. i know too much sugar is bad, but at least fruit sugar is natural and so should be better for you than the sugar in a mars bar!
  • dmarsek
    dmarsek Posts: 8
    That definitely helps. I appreciate the insight. So as long as I am eating sugars that occur naturally in fruits in vegetables as my core and not overdoing it with complex and processed sugars I should be okay.