weight loss after SSRIs

Hi. I have a 12 month old baby and was losing weight quite steadily until I started taking escitalopram for a number of reasons.Since then I havegained 4 pounds. I was only takingit for a month as I had side effects.I have not taken any for 6weeks but can not lose weight. Does any one else have similar experiences? I am becoming demotivated, and can't see a reason to keep trying to diet if it's just not working. Any replies greatly received.x


  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    Don't give up. Your body might just need something to shock it, like a new routine. If you are only doing cardio, try encorporating strength training with heavy weights. That might give your body the change it needs.
  • jkincaid0202
    Hi. I have a 12 month old baby and was losing weight quite steadily until I started taking escitalopram for a number of reasons.Since then I havegained 4 pounds. I was only takingit for a month as I had side effects.I have not taken any for 6weeks but can not lose weight. Does any one else have similar experiences? I am becoming demotivated, and can't see a reason to keep trying to diet if it's just not working. Any replies greatly received.x

    I was on a simmilar medication and have gained about 45 lbs within a year. I stopped taking my medication a few months ago and have noticed some small changes in my weight. My understanding of those types of medications is that they have a cummulative effect, so it may be in your system for awhile. Don't get too discouraged if you don't notice changes right away... just keep at it. Hope that helps!
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I have taken SSRIs for over 17 years and have gone up and down in weight over that time.
    They are used to treat depression mainly so this is the viewpoint I'm taking.
    Depression can cause you to eat more at times and take comfort from food.
    It also reduces your activity so that you increase in weight through this.

    I've not been off SSRIs since I started using MFP but have lost a lot of weight on them.
    I've now stopped losing weight and put it down to a change in medication BUT looking back over my diary it's been what I've been putting in my mouth and the reduction in exercise that has to be the reason.
    I'm back on the wagon this week and will let you know next week if I've not lost any
    Only then - or maybe a few weeks later - will I be able to say if it is these tablets.

    I suspect it's not.

    Keep going.
    Keep something close to motivate you.

    Take care
  • clairaustin
    Thanks for your replies. I will incorporate weights in my workout, in fact my sweet husband bought me some kettlebells and a DVD for my birthday (Trying to tell me something huh?!) but seriously they are fun to work out with (fun???!!)

    I am not after perfection by any stretch, but just that feeling where you know you are right in your skin, regardless of what the weight/height charts say.

    I will keep going, and hope you update me on your weight loss successes too, as that most definitlely motivates me!

  • MarandaPanda86
    I work in a psychiatrist's office (and a hospital) and know that SSRIs can definitely lead to weight gain. One of the biggest reasons for noncompliance with these meds. I would speak with your healthcare provider as there are plenty of alternatives to this medication that do not cause weight gain. Some even promote weight loss (like Lamictal for Bipolar disorder). I don't know the reason you are taking the medication, but you have options. Additionally, it can take some time to get the weight loss as your brain readjusts to working without the medication. A previous poster was correct in saying that the medication does build up in your system and takes some time before it is completely gone. Good luck with everything!