30 Day Shred and really stiff!



  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    The soreness that you feel should feel 'better' with movement. I encourage you to push through and drink a lot of water to get that lactic acid moving out!

    No pain.... no gain....

    Keep on
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    Is this the Jillian Michaels shred? If so, I literally JUST finished day 1... 25 minutes and this is the closest I've ever felt to throwing up from exercise!

    yea its the jillian michaels shred..im on day 6 and still feel like throwing up near the end..my knees and calves are killing me..also is it normal to gain a lb or 2 during the 1st few weeks of starting 30ds? ive gained 1lb since starting it last wed and i figured the scale would have dropped by now :/
  • tiggergrrl23
    tiggergrrl23 Posts: 98 Member
    I have done both 30DS and RI30 and just completed day 3 of level 3 of 30DS. If you want to know which is better I think the 30DS is better and I felt like it was much harder of a workout. Now don't get me wrong, they are both killer at times, but I felt like the 30DS is challenging me more.
  • CristineD
    CristineD Posts: 59 Member
    Gosh, so many of my questions have been answered.
    Definitely think I need to up my water! I drink generally 10 - 12 glasses but wondering if my body is needing a bit more.
    I'd also been wondering about how short the warm up and warm down are. Will add some extra stretches in too.
    And the feeling of throwing up afterwards is also quite common. Hoping as my fitness improves, that will get less.
    And now that I'm aware, I won't be shocked if at my next weigh-in, I've gained a bit. Anyone know why that happens?
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Gosh, so many of my questions have been answered.
    Definitely think I need to up my water! I drink generally 10 - 12 glasses but wondering if my body is needing a bit more.
    I'd also been wondering about how short the warm up and warm down are. Will add some extra stretches in too.
    And the feeling of throwing up afterwards is also quite common. Hoping as my fitness improves, that will get less.
    And now that I'm aware, I won't be shocked if at my next weigh-in, I've gained a bit. Anyone know why that happens?

    Possibly from gaining muscle. OOOrrr all that lactic acid built up in our bodies. :laugh:
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    I would strongly encourage you to take measurements NOW!! I was losing weight VERY consistently before 30DS and it took two weeks after starting to see the scale move but I know I lost inches during that time. Wish I had taken them to start.
  • liberaltendencies
    liberaltendencies Posts: 150 Member
    Gosh, so many of my questions have been answered.
    Definitely think I need to up my water! I drink generally 10 - 12 glasses but wondering if my body is needing a bit more.
    I'd also been wondering about how short the warm up and warm down are. Will add some extra stretches in too.
    And the feeling of throwing up afterwards is also quite common. Hoping as my fitness improves, that will get less.
    And now that I'm aware, I won't be shocked if at my next weigh-in, I've gained a bit. Anyone know why that happens?

    I read this amazing article on your last question ... I wish I could find it, it said something about when we do something our body isn't used to doing ... our muscles retain water and that causes weight gain. After almost two weeks, I started to loose again. Just stick with it!