Effects of prolonged 'healthy life' on attitute

So, when I first started this healthy eating and exercise stuff (about 4 months ago) it put me in a super good mood. I was totally energetic, and excited with the changes I was making to my life. My routine consisted of about 2200 calories a day (which is a 2lb/week loss rate) and working out twice a day.

Gradually over the last four months I've gone from that, to being kind of grumpy a lot, and not feeling energetic at all. I've had a lot of success with the weight loss (90 pounds so far, another 30 or so to go), and as a result the calories I get per day have gone down to where I'm eating about 1700 a day now. I am working out harder than ever before, since I am more fit and can handle it better now.

I wondered if this is something the rest of you have seen. I don't know that I'd say I'm 'depressed' just run down a lot. Getting myself to do my evening cardio workout is a challenge, and lately I've wanted to eat more than my allotted calories.



  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    The same thing is happening to me. I too have about 30 more pounds to go.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Are you eating the right KIND of calories now? How about eating back your exercise calories?

    I know that now I'm much more affected if I don't eat the RIGHT kinds of things, enough protein is key for me, especially when I'm working out HARD.

    Edit: i'm down 71lbs in 1 year with another 12-15 to go :D
  • charsauce
    I'm sure that when you are done losing, and ready to maintain, you will feel better.
  • skinnyhappy
    skinnyhappy Posts: 152 Member
    Take a break, you obviously deserve one! Your body is probably tired, take a week off. Don't get crazy and eat more than usual, but enjoy yourself! I run out of steam sometimes, too. Forgive yourself, smile, and do what feels right. A night on the couch won't kill you. :D You aren't always your emotions, you dictate how you feel, so cheer up and take the day off! Good luck!
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    I just started exercising, and doing everything, I think it's that a change of motivation needs to be done. You're happy with what you have done, but you need something more to hit that next level. Everyone can do this, just find what you need to keep you going!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm in maintenance now and I felt the way you're feeling on and off throughout the journey. I found when that happened that the best thing for it? A week off from the gym and move my calories to maintenance levels. I would pay less attention to it and by the time a week had passed - I was raring to get back to the gym and workout.

    Maybe you should try switching up your gym routine? Are you sure you're eating enough? You shouldn't be hungry while losing this weight - it isn't a diet, but a lifestyle change. No reason to be hungry.

    You can do this!
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    I think that happens to all of us! Like all things, our motivation and enthusiam will come and go. I'm at maintenance now, and I've found it harder than dieting! I've just had a bad two weeks where I was over almost every day, and am just finally getting back to it. I think it's okay, (and good even!) to let go for a little bit, just to recharge your batteries, you know? This change is your life. It's forever. You don't want to be miserable are you will resent the work required to make and keep these changes... I would give yourself a predetermined amount of time, (a week, a day, etc.) and reduce your exercise a bit, and up your calories to maintenance for a while. Rest/recovery is also a very important part of the process!! (Something I am still learning as well!)

    Good luck, and keep with it!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I'm in maintenance now and I felt the way you're feeling on and off throughout the journey. I found when that happened that the best thing for it? A week off from the gym and move my calories to maintenance levels. I would pay less attention to it and by the time a week had passed - I was raring to get back to the gym and workout.

    Maybe you should try switching up your gym routine? Are you sure you're eating enough? You shouldn't be hungry while losing this weight - it isn't a diet, but a lifestyle change. No reason to be hungry.

    You can do this!

    Good idea, ^^^this. I've got 15 lbs to go, and have run into burnout. Taking a week "off" can really help re-energize you.

    Also, have you adjusted your weekly goals? With 30 pounds to go, you should only be trying for about a 1lb a week.
  • skinnysawyer
    I've definitely been losing my "gusto" recently. I LOVE my diet and weight loss but it's hard for me to keep up my energy and positive attitude most of the time. I'm not worried about giving up, but maybe I've been trying too hard recently and should cut myself some slack or something -- try not to take things too seriously...it's so hard though!!

    I miss the excitement I had in the beginning, and the joy. =(
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Move to "maintaining" for a couple of weeks. Eat more, do the same workouts and just coast for a few. It will give your body a break and let you adjust better. Also make sure you are eating he foods you need before you the foods you want. Carbs are necessary make sure you nutrients are good and your not lacking in anything. Potassium can be killer on the attitude if you get to low as can many others.

    Don't stop and don't give up. Just give the body a little break to adjust to its new size before making it over into a new one.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement and tips folks. I do try to eat pretty clean. I'm sure that most of the folks on this site would say that I don't eat enough calories (I only eat back a bit of my exercise calories). That's a big part of how I've lost so much weight so quickly, but it might be time to lower my net deficit to something more reasonable.

    Thanks again.