Weight loss plateau…

After losing 50 pounds in 4 months..I am hitting my first plateau.I know it is Ok but it makes me so frustrated that the scale isn’t moving and I am doing my best (or at least I think so)..should I go down more on my calories or up my cardio more..? any advices, tips, tricks word of encouragement will make a difference

Plzzzzzzzzzz help


  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Perhaps try going up on your calories instead of down... Might kick start your metabolism. :smile:
  • I change my work out every other month to keep my body confused. I still hit the plateaus but they don't seem to last long since I've been alternating my workout.

    Right now I'm in a hard cardio cycle (1100-1400 calories) per day. The last cycle was 15 min of hard weights followed by moderate cardio (600-800 calories), before that was moderate cardio 2 days a week and weights 3 days a week.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    What is your height/weight goal? It looks like you don't eat that many calories, but hard to say without your stats, exercise routine, etc. I am a 5'7" woman who had 30 pounds to lose (175 to goal of 145). I ate 1200 calories a day and plateaued 15 pounds down because I went into "starvation mode." After upping my calories after a 2 month long plateau, I started to lose again. I now eat 1700 calories/day. It sounds counter-intuitive, but you need to eat to lose. If you don't fuel your body properly, it will hold on to every ounce since you aren't giving it what it needs.
  • erinhale
    erinhale Posts: 137 Member
    From a fitness/nutrtion professional:
    I looked at your food journal and the body like costistancy. You are all over the charts on calories. You have to eat with in 100-150 plus or minus what mfp says. Some days, most, you are postive 300-700 and on other is negative 400. YOu hit the platue because you aren;t eating your calories. Its plain and simple- eat more to lose more!
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    Last year I was at a stall for 2 or 3 months. I kept eating right and just upped my cardio and eventually it came off...definitely mix up workouts too
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I change my work out every other month to keep my body confused. I still hit the plateaus but they don't seem to last long since I've been alternating my workout.

    Right now I'm in a hard cardio cycle (1100-1400 calories) per day. The last cycle was 15 min of hard weights followed by moderate cardio (600-800 calories), before that was moderate cardio 2 days a week and weights 3 days a week.

    OK, looking at a few days from your diary...you aren't eating anywhere near enough calories. If you have MFP set to lose 1 pound a week and log your exercise, there is no way you should be eating only 1300 calories in a day.
  • OK, looking at a few days from your diary...you aren't eating anywhere near enough calories. If you have MFP set to lose 1 pound a week and log your exercise, there is no way you should be eating only 1300 calories in a day.

    MFP tells me to eat 1350 calories per day. I track 6 days a week and the 7thh day is a splurge day where I don't track and get to eat what I want. For the most part I'm getting my 1350 plus as close to half by exorcise calories back as I can. Somedays I'm just not hungry enough to eat more. Oddly enough it's harder than I ever imagined to eat double my normal calories in a day, with out going and eating processesed food.