Please help I am in Need of motivation



  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    its all about your mindset and deep rooted determination.If you are not in the right zone your willpower will break and maybe because you only have a stone to lose you are not really concerned enough to make your resolve strong.Its like everyone else is saying you have to REALLY want it deep within for you to be able to resist temptation.Noone said its easy thats why it is such an achievement when you succeed.Keep on trying,NEVER GIVE IN NEVER SURRENDER!!!!!!!
  • michaelabridezilla
    I've said it before, but it really is true...

    You have to want it. Seriously. You have to want it more than junk food. More than sleep. More than sitting on the couch. You have to want it.

    I do really want it more than anything. x
  • michaelabridezilla
    For me the trick is to find a healthier alternative. So when I'm really craving ice cream I eat a cup of Greek yogurt or when I'm really craving candy, I eat a protein bar. I also really visualize my goals. So when I'm wanting to "cheat" or not to do my workout I think about my goal and think about how that choice would take me further from my goal, not closer. 9 times out of 10 I make the better choice.

    I have lots of pribiotics in my fridge. x
  • michaelabridezilla
    For me the trick is to find a healthier alternative. So when I'm really craving ice cream I eat a cup of Greek yogurt or when I'm really craving candy, I eat a protein bar. I also really visualize my goals. So when I'm wanting to "cheat" or not to do my workout I think about my goal and think about how that choice would take me further from my goal, not closer. 9 times out of 10 I make the better choice.

    I find that understanding *why* I want something helps - sometimes I want chips because I want something crunchy so I eat carrots or lettuce (dry). Sometimes fruit is a good substitute for desserts. There are times my husband looks at me funny because I stare at the cabinet saying crunchy, sweet and nutty or sour, chewy because I'm looking for some sort of flavor combination that will meet that need.

    Then there are those times when I've tried to make a healthy decision and it didn't cut the craving so I sacrifice a few calories for the real thing in a realistic portion - sometimes I want a chocolate chip cookie (warm and gooey from the oven) and no granola or protein bar could suffice! I learned that that was necessary for me because if I fought the craving too much I'd obsess and binge (the whole batch of cookies instead of one or two!).

    I also don't keep cookies in the house knowing that when I do crave one I often lack self-control with the rest of the batch. If I need a cookie that badly then it has to be worth going and buying one at the bakery (which is probably like eating three at home!).

    Drinking lots of water helps a lot. But like others have said motivation comes from within - you have to want it for you. Our stories, opportunities and successes might encourage you on a bad day but being healthy is a lifestyle and each little decision can have a big impact. Start with little choices, make improvements that you can easily achieve and then tackle the next one and gradually you'll find that you don't *NEED* that junk so much. Good luck!

    Than you, I am grateful for that advice. xx