Losing weight, but fat percentage not dropping significantly

Hi everyone...

I started my journey about 6 months ago. Got a fitness assessment and personalized plan. I was obese (I can't even write that without cringing). I am 5' 3" and started at 166 lbs. I am 53 years old. The worst part was my body fat percentage was a hefty 41%.

Since that time, I have lost 26 lbs, ran two 5 k races (12 minute mile), work out 3 -4 times were week with at least 45 minutes treadmill or elliptical, followed by weights for another 30 minutes (arms, back, shoulders mainly, although I do some squats and lunges w/ weights). I use free weights and have increased weight over 6 months. I have some nice arm/shoulder definition for the first time in 30 years. I have now started a muscle works class (2x per week) and just tried pilates, which I love! I have gone down in clothes sizes (from size 14 to size 8). I feel great and look not-that-bad lol

Today I got my 6 month reassessment with mixed results. The weight is off, I can do push ups, sit ups, stretches, etc, but my body fat percentage has only dropped to 34%. That really bothers me as that is in the obese range. I carry weight on my hips but they have slimmed out, but obviously I am not reducing my fat enough. My diet has changed drastically: I really cut out fats too (VERY occasional sweets) but I still eat some red meat, cheese, no fat yogurt, salads.

Any thoughts on why the fat is not coming off as quickly as it should?


  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Are you weight training/strength training. Building muscle will promote losing fat.
  • kcwonder
    kcwonder Posts: 57 Member
    From what you have stated, you have improved significantly in 6 months. I am not sure how fast you expect to lose all the body fat.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Same thing has happened to me. Body fat percentage is not really dropping much but seeing other results from the eating better and exercising. So not getting discourage by it. I figure as the weight drops so will it more and more. Just slower. Good luck to you! You will get there.....
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    It sounds to me like you're doing an awesome job at dropping body fat, actually. Keep doing what you're doing. It's melting away.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Same thing has happened to me. Body fat percentage is not really dropping much but seeing other results from the eating better and exercising. So not getting discourage by it. I figure as the weight drops so will it more and more. Just slower. Good luck to you! You will get there.....
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    How much do your cut your calories?

    I think that you lost muscle mass from a too big deficite. Being stronger does not mean you didn't lose muscle mass. Also being a bit older, muscle mass is so much eaier to lose. I say try to lose 0.5 pounds a week or even less (MFP say I will lose only 0.1 pound at the deficit I have mow but I lose more then that) and eat 100% of you exercice calories. That being said I am no where near an expert. Mybae someone with more expérience then me will help you.

    Good luck
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Consider scaling back your cardio somewhat to 3x / week.
    Do the weight training 3x / week as well. Take your weight training seriously and lift HEAVY (if you aren't already). Hit all the muscle groups (split it up - do a few one day, a few another day).
    Try to get about 1g of protein per lb of body weight. That's a ballpark. Don't obsess over it.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    How much do your cut your calories?

    I think that you lost muscle mass from a too big deficite. Being stronger does not mean you didn't lose muscle mass. Also being a bit older, muscle mass is so much eaier to lose. I say try to lose 0.5 pounds a week or even less (MFP say I will lose only 0.1 pound at the deficit I have mow but I lose more then that) and eat 100% of you exercice calories. That being said I am no where near an expert. Mybae someone with more expérience then me will help you.

    Good luck
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    a 7% drop in body fat is incredible. At 166 41% BF you had 68.1 lbs of fat on your body. Now that you lost weight you are 34% BF at 140, which is 47.6 lbs of fat. So you lost a total of 20.5 lbs of fat, that is great.

    Age 41-60 Underfat <23% Healthy Range 23-35% Overweight 35-40% Obese Over 40%

    The fat is coming off quickly so don't sweat it, and you are now in the Healthy fat% range for your age. Keep up the great work. Set your goal for 0.5 lb loss/week to ensure that you are losing a higher % fat with minimal muscle loss. And as Taso said, focus more on the weight training, and do it before you do cardio for better results.
  • rhenneberry
    7 pts off of your fat % is FANTASTIC and is a significant drop. You should be very proud of yourself. Don't equate your success only to this one measurement. I found that you listed off many other positive things you should be focussing on. Your body is changing that is what counts. Keep up with the running. I found when I ran consistently 3x per week my fat percentage dropped. Good Luck!
  • DelawareGal
    You've lost 13% which is an amazing amount!!! Size 14 to size 8? Way to go!

    You could re-examine what you are eating-make sure you are eating enough protein and vegetables, and be sure to eat healthy fats; eat enough calories to maintain your exercise and not go too low. Up your water intake if you aren't drinking enough as well.

    As for your exercise, it looks good-you are switching it up and pushing which is good.

    have you had your body fat measured with calipers or the bodpod? If you haven't you need to have that done-it will give you a truer indication of your body composition (the impedance measurement is good, but it's a ballpark indication only).
  • prettyinpinkagain
    prettyinpinkagain Posts: 11 Member
    Yes, I really focused on strength training. I think I will up my weights tho. TY!
  • prettyinpinkagain
    prettyinpinkagain Posts: 11 Member
    Ooops.....I will reply to all of you! Thanks so much for your wise comments. Perhaps my expectations are too big. I just hate seeing that fat number, but so many other improvements offset that. I will indeed curtail my weight loss expectations to 1/2 lb a week...this will increase my likelihood of being able to maintain it too. I do LOVE doing free weight training and will look into rounding that out some more and increasing weight. It made a huge difference to my metabolism I know. And I so agree about protein...I need to incorporate more lean into my diet. I never heard of doing weights before cardio...but I'll try that!

    Thank you all for replying to me..and so quickly.
  • HealthInBalance
    Hi everyone...

    I started my journey about 6 months ago. Got a fitness assessment and personalized plan. I was obese (I can't even write that without cringing). I am 5' 3" and started at 166 lbs. I am 53 years old. The worst part was my body fat percentage was a hefty 41%.

    Since that time, I have lost 26 lbs, ran two 5 k races (12 minute mile), work out 3 -4 times were week with at least 45 minutes treadmill or elliptical, followed by weights for another 30 minutes (arms, back, shoulders mainly, although I do some squats and lunges w/ weights). I use free weights and have increased weight over 6 months. I have some nice arm/shoulder definition for the first time in 30 years. I have now started a muscle works class (2x per week) and just tried pilates, which I love! I have gone down in clothes sizes (from size 14 to size 8). I feel great and look not-that-bad lol

    Today I got my 6 month reassessment with mixed results. The weight is off, I can do push ups, sit ups, stretches, etc, but my body fat percentage has only dropped to 34%. That really bothers me as that is in the obese range. I carry weight on my hips but they have slimmed out, but obviously I am not reducing my fat enough. My diet has changed drastically: I really cut out fats too (VERY occasional sweets) but I still eat some red meat, cheese, no fat yogurt, salads.

    Any thoughts on why the fat is not coming off as quickly as it should?

    Hi, I just read your post. How has the progress come along? I am interested to know if the fat did eventually come off and how long did it take? Thanks :)