Pain in knees when walking???

Hi everyone. I have lost 94 lbs in the last two years and I recently bought a Leslie Sansone video to start walking in my home... I am 51 and have arthritis in my knees. The problem is I can do the 4 Big miles dvd but my knees hurt really bad while I am walking. Does anyone know if it is okay to continue when my knees hurt or should I stop? I want to do the excercise and will ignore the pain and keep going if I know I am not doing any long term damage. Is it good for my knees to be moving with the arthritis in them or what? The arthritis doesn't bother me much other than when I start walking... Any suggestions?


  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I would consult your MD about it. Arthritis is difficult to deal with. If you are too inactive it gest worse, if you're too active it gets aggrivated. There may be something he could perscribe that could help or perhaps an OTC anti-inflamatory could help. I would check with your MD and go from there.
  • soozy84
    soozy84 Posts: 118
    Maybe you should ask your doctor just to be sure? Maybe he/she can recommend something you could do to ease the pressure on your knees (special shoes or trainers, even though you are indoors)? Good luck :)