Been there...done that...weight is still hanging around

GrammarYarns Posts: 2 Member
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All,
I'm turning 50 this week. I can't believe it. I don't feel like I should be 50, but my body is telling me differently. I have always struggled with my weight since my last baby was born (20 years ago), but I've really put on weight the couple of years for a couple of reasons: 1. I have a new job where I sit in front of a computer most the day and 2. I'm going to be 50! LOL

I heard about this from a friend. I've tried SO many of the popular diets out there but I don't have the energy to negotiate around their various rules and regulations (like counting, etc.). I'm hopeful that this might be the place for me. I know what I have to do: eat right and exercise. So with someone to be accountable to and to talk with, maybe I'll be able to focus on the new me I want to be as I begin the second half of my life. I've already started tracking my food--a very doable task!

This is not a list of excuses. It's just a list of my reality: leaving home early, getting home late, sitting at my computer, and being too tired to exercise or cook when I have some time. I know I have to make changes. If anyone is living the same type of lifestyle and has found a way to "do the right thing", please share your ideas with me.

I look forward to hearing what works for you.



  • brashju
    brashju Posts: 2
    I am definitely living a life similar to yours right now! I still haven't found the trick but let's both hang in there and igve this a try!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    hi,from sunny England, welcome i'm 50 its not scary, its just a number.

    as are calories! i know its a pain counting them but it works!

    we are all really friendly, we don't bite and we listen, we are here for one another, if you won't us to be

    good luck on your journey :flowerforyou:
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    I too have a desk job so I understand where you're coming from there but I have found a few ways to sneak in some exercise here and there:
    1) I bike to and from work almost every day. It's about 45 mins round trip and I have a very gung ho bf who keeps me going at a fair clip.
    2) I walk to a park to have my lunch, it's a nice little walk and I get to enjoy the weather as well as the sight and sounds and enjoy my book while I eat. I don't burn as many calories here but some is better than none right?
    3) I use every excuse I can to get out of my chair, putting away files downstairs (4 flights of stairs), bringing the deposit to the bank by get the idea.
    4) When I worked in a larger building I took the stairs everytime I could, it was 8 flights of stairs, multiply that by however many times I could make excuses to go downstairs....

    Winter is going to be a little more challenging to keep up the exercise but hopefully I'll be able to maintain a much better weight by then. Good luck and Happy Birthday!!!
  • nukebhs83
    nukebhs83 Posts: 158
    i know exactly what you are talking about---i am 46, sit at a computer all day, drive an hour to get home, and still have to figure out what to eat for supper and get the last minute things done before bed at 10--if i am lucky. i have been dieting and exercising off and on for a year now and have lost 29 lbs---still have alot to lose. i dont really follow a strict diet---i watch my sugar, sodium and calories decently but i do exercise at least 4 days a week---insanity and p90x combo. i have to make myself get off the couch too. i am a lucky person though--i have my own personal exercise crackhead---my daughter (troll) that makes me get up. LOL. please feel free to add me as a friend and we can help each other get to where we would like to be.

  • Hi!!! I recently found this site from reading Fitness magazine. I love it and am looking forward to helping and sharing while here. You and I pretty much have the same kind of lifestyle going on thru the week. Yay on turning 50!!!! As you know, diets dont work; really they don't..LOL. This site helps me stay in control of what i eat as my goal is 1200 calories/day. It does help to jot down (this site will compute everything for you). Also, what i have started doing is on my morning, i get up and go outside and take a 15min walk. I have a 45min lunch so I do a 20minute walk again and spend the other time to eat lunch. If nothing more make sure you at least eat B-L-D. I dont have time to cook in the evening either..i'm too tired, but try to eat something (nutritious :)) Most evenings I make it my business to put on gear and go for a 30 minute walk. This has been working for the past few months; but i wasnt eating properly. Once I started eating and watching what I eat; the pounds and inches started shedding. Good Luck to you and I hope this helps.
  • Mar1posa
    Mar1posa Posts: 5 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I to have done it all for years. My weight is still the same. I lost 15 lbs three years ago and have been stuck since then.
    I too have a desk job and doing exercise afterwards was not exciting for me. I have learned to get up early and workout then. I find myself full of energy through out the day and looking forward coming home to do other things I need to. for starters, just get up 20 minutes earlier and work out for at least 15 minutes. It may not sound like much much every week after that or every two weeks, keep getting up 10 minutes earlier than before. You will me amazed by the stamina you build.

    As for fool tracking, I believe that was were my mistake was. I was watching what I was eating but not really counting calories. And as we age our metabolism slows down but not our eating habits. This site really helped me keep track.
    And yes age plays a big part of our weight problem. Darn those hormone changes. You can add me as a friend and we can support each other if you like.

    Good luck Madi.
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome to this site. There are so many people here to motivate you. I feel that the majority of us have hectic schedules. I work a lot of hours. I average approx. 65-75 hours a week. Some weeks I am lucky and only work 58 hours. Here is my routune I always pack a lunch the night before and I work out as soon as I walk in the door from work. Once you get into a routine it becomes pretty easy. But it is easier to fall away from your sched.if you take any amount of time off. I am about to be 40 in a couple weeks. I work out between 1.5-2 hours every day I do not take a day off cause then it is very hard for me to get back into my routine. I just started using Shakeology and I am hoping I get the same results as everyone else who has used it. I also do the TURBO FIRE workout program EVERYDAY which I love.
    But the weight is not coming off,so I keep making little changes in hopes that I will one day find out what works for me. My calorie goal is 1,390 as of today. which I tend to stay under. The positive thing is that I feel really FIT I can do things that were super hard for me to do 9 weeks ago. Junk Food does not sound appealing to me.
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