
hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
I was a good little monkey and searched the forum before posting this. I didn't see anything that answered what I'm wondering in the first ten pages, so here goes...

I want to keep working out 7 days a week- in fact I have to. The gym is the only place I get me time. If I'm at home either my daughter or my husband want my attention and Mama needs her alone time.

Here's the Routine of Doom (tm):

Monday is 40 minutes of cardio, plus upper body and core exercises. Also whatever hell the challenge group I'm in has come up with.
Tuesday is 40 minutes of cardio, plus whatever the challenge is.
Wednesday is 40 minutes of cardio, plus lower body and core exercises. And the challenge.
Thursday is 30 minutes of cardio. I consider this my rest day.
Friday is 40 minutes of cardio, plus upper body and core. And whatever challenge.
Saturday is fun day! I go to the gym in the morning before everyone is up and do whatever I feel like until I'm nice and sweaty. Plus challenge.
Sunday is another fun session of whatever I want in the gym- sometimes a class, sometimes swimming... you get the idea.

Problem? Well, maybe not a big problem, but I'm sore. Not "I can't function" sore, more of a "Hi there! I'm <insert muscle group here> didn't know I existed before today, didya?"

I drink my water, soak in the hot tub, and have started doing a much better job of stretching. All of this helps, but... I'm still sore. I figure as long as it's not interfering with what I want to do and as long as it's not all out pain, I'm good.

Anyone else constantly sore? Do you consider it a good thing?


  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    I love feeling sore!! I feel like I'm accomplishing something. If I go to the gym and the next day I'm not atleast a little sore I feel like I didn't work hard enough the day before.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    How long have you been working out this hard? I'm sore as well, but it's just because I'm working out muscles that before hardly got any use! If you start working out and you don't get sore, that's a good thing. It means your muscles are starting to tone up more. :)
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I love feeling sore!! I feel like I'm accomplishing something. If I go to the gym and the next day I'm not atleast a little sore I feel like I didn't work hard enough the day before.

    Me too! :)
  • I also work out every day and I'm also sore nearly every day. Some days worse than today, my *kitten* is screaming at me. I think it's good. If I'm not sore, I typically don't feel like I'm working hard enough. I haven't figured anything out that makes it better except for the things you already do. Keep up the kick-butt workouts!!
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    How long have you been working out this hard? I'm sore as well, but it's just because I'm working out muscles that before hardly got any use! If you start working out and you don't get sore, that's a good thing. It means your muscles are starting to tone up more. :)

    I've been at this for about two weeks now, ever since I found MFP. I've worked out and done much more intense training in the past, and remember really hurting after, but this sort of low level soreness is new to me. :)
  • Boy... you workout A LOT!

    I agree, it's alone time and a stress reducer, but you may want to consider cutting back a bit and letting your body have recovery time so you're not sore. It really, really needs rest - good sleep and days off - to continue to drop weight and gain muscle to burn more fat. If it's too stressed, your body will actually hang on to your fat because it thinks it's in a fight or flight situation. More cortisol (hormone) is produced and that's not a good thing if your goal is to loose fat. Muscle - the best fat burner of all - is gained with the right balance of exercise, rest and nutrition (enough protein and healthy carbs early in your day).

    Bottom line... you're just tuckering your self out and your body is saying 'ouch'!

    I find that what has worked for me is a split: M/T I alternate upper and lower body weight work (60 minutes) followed by 30 of cardio. Rest on W/Sat/Sun... no gym, no running, fun outtings that may or may not mean a lot of walking is about it. Th/Fri: alternate upper/lower weight work (60 minutes) followed by 30 of cardio. I keep my diet as clean as possible throughout the week, drink a gallon of water a day and basically eat what I want in moderation on my Saturday 'cheat' day.

    Sometimes it's hard to make myself not go to the gym, but I have made great strides by getting enough rest. When I boost it to 5 or 6 days a week, I just end up whipped and sore, never truly recovering.

    Hope this helps you.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    You may consider using bromelain. It's a natural extract that is made from the base of pineapples. It works as a natural anti-inflammatory that helps with muscle soreness and it helps muscles repair and build/tone.

    You take 1 or 2 every 4 to 6 hours on empty-ish stomach (1/2 hour before or 1 hour after eating). I do 1 every 6-8 hours when needed (I'm allergic to aspirin, aleve and advil) and it's wonderful.
  • cawood2
    cawood2 Posts: 177 Member
    When I was in a karate club that was training hard all the time and I was going 5 days a week, I was always sore.. Not always in the same place, but always sore. This would go away as soon as I started the next class and got moving, but then something else would be sore! If you're always mixing up what you're doing, you're going to be working different muscles, which may be out of practice, and so might get sore. Like you said- hot tub/hot shower makes it feel some better. If it gets really sore, ibuprofen. How long have you been doing this? It may get better over time, or you might just do more challenges and get more stuff sore :) If it's just the niggling "oooh, i worked out" good hurt, it might just be something you have to deal with. If you're groaning and unable to do certain things (like sit down) without fear... Might want to ease back a bit- maybe something lower impact on your cardio- walking?

    I have to admit, I sometimes miss those times when I couldn't look at a toilet or going down a flight of stairs without some dread. Then I really rock a 30DS with lots of squats and lunges and remember...
  • swimmer54
    swimmer54 Posts: 29 Member
    I would pay attention if you continue to have the same pain in the same place. (My shoulder is saying, "hello??")
  • MiladyMetal
    MiladyMetal Posts: 184 Member
    I know the feeling I would love to get away from home but am not a gym person anymore! I got an awesome workout with my wii and am sore as all heck! I am walking stiff like a robot. I may have over did it. I guess I better take another day off since the day after I still went and did cardio for about an hour and now today the second day am moving slowly and walking sideways down my stairs..
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