New Here: 'Healthy for My Girls'

ktkreeger Posts: 5
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
Well, I have done this many times before and I can’t seem to stay committed to losing the weight. Losing weight is very difficult for me because I am a ‘kick' guy. Meaning, I get on a ‘kick’ for a week then I lose interest and make up excuses to why I shouldn’t eat right or workout. My goal is to try a new ‘kick’ and this site is my new ‘kick’. I read that if you get involved in a forum community or have others in similar situations that you are more likely to push yourself to succeed and lose the weight. I am hoping that I get some sort of accountability out of telling my story and getting involved with others stories with

I started gaining weight after I got married. It got a lot worse when my wife was pregnant with my first daughter and I seemed to gain an excessive amount of weight. When she ate I ate. By the way, she was pregnant during the summer and loves ice cream. I’m pretty sure 10lbs of my weight gain were due to ice cream stops every night. My wife is one of those people that are always skinny no matter what they eat. She quickly lost her baby weight and I stood there with an extra 20lbs of baby weight. I was on kick after kick but nothing worked. I would drop 10lbs be happy and think it’s okay to eat wings and beer for lunch with friends.

My wife and I just had our second little girl. I now have a house full of girls and my wife is already at pre-pregnancy weight after 6 months and yet I gained another 10lbs from this pregnancy. I currently am at 230lbs, my goal weight would be 195, and 190 would be phenomenal.

I hope this is not just another ‘kick’ and that I stick to it. I have never written anything down before and have never opened up about my weight gain. It might be very nominal to some people but to me this is a huge challenge. I come from a big family and a family with all sorts of health concerns (heart attacks | I believe my dad, mom and 2 brothers all have diabetes and I am the only one without it | high cholesterol & the list goes on…). I don’t want to worry my girls about these types of things and I want to be there for them as long as I possibly can.

So here we go on a random Tuesday in August. Let’s see how far this ‘kick’ goes. Hopefully it ‘kicks’ the 40 extra pounds right off my body. My name is Kevin and I'm trying to be 'Healthy for My Girls'.


  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Welcome! I'm one of those moms who had three babies and always lost the weight quickly. Now suddenly I'm 40 and the weight's creeping on...and this site works, if you stick with it!:wink: I've lost just over 10 lbs in 3.5 months and am almost to my goal weight! I wish my husband would be willing to join on here as he's not really overweight but isn't getting any younger either and I want him to be healthy for our kids and me for many years to come!
  • Welcome. I also gained a lot of weight after marriage, although no kids here for me. I found this site to be very helpful. The journey has been slow, but the weight has stayed off, so I'm good with that. Still have about 30 lbs to get rid of, so I'm still moving forward. Feel free to add me as an MFP buddy if you need any support. I found that when I started adding friends and looking at others' food diaries, it was helpful. Good luck!
  • diana109
    diana109 Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome! You sure have come to right place. Maybe everyone here can help you so that this isn't another kick, there are great people here to help, motivate and inspire you along this path to being healthy!! :smile:
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Welcome aboard, Kevin! You will find alot of amazing people here. Believe me when I say, you aren't the only one that has done the "kick" diets as you call them. I have done them before, but this website really works. It is amazing to see all that you put in your body once you have to log everything. The key is to be totally honest which isn't always easy. I am living proof that this is possible with 50 lbs down, only 4 lbs until goal. Again, welcome aboard.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and Good Luck. I have 4 all grown but I want to see my grandbabies grow up too. I'm selfish.
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    Motivating yourself for your family is a very good start. My husband is also very fit reguardless of what he eats and if he does gain weight he can drop it so quick. There are lots fo support groups in here that will help you. I have joined two and if nothing else but to put what I did during the week. The support you get back is amazing!!!!!

    Good luck and keep your eyes on the goal. Being there for your family.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    This is a great site and if you stick to it like the other Pals have said it works. You just need to be true to yourself and log in everything you eat and do a little walking here and there and you will start seeing results. Every little change makes a difference. Good luck on your journey. I hope this "kick" stinks around for the long haul and I hope you can accomplish great success. You can do it.
  • i admire you for doing this for your girls, and also for yourself!
  • Welcome as a mother of 6 I know how hard it can get!
  • amylanphierd
    amylanphierd Posts: 20 Member
    It sounds like you have lots of great reasons for getting healthy! now just "kick" your butt into gear!:smile:
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    Nice to meet you Kevin. Im the opposite of you guys! My husband always ate what he wanted and never gained, (although he never stops moving) I on the other hand was a big ole girl after having my first baby.

    Anyway, there isnt a more motivating site out there! It kind of brings out the competitive spirit! You see your "friends" losing and working out like beasts and you dont want to be the odd man out so you feel motivated by them to get off the couch! I have been working out and eating right for the past 13 years, but when I joined this website I think my workouts kicked into a higher gear. Its great! Im way more tone and stronger. although im on maintenance, I even lost 3 lbs in the process. Jump in with both feet! Add me if youd like, for support!

    Oh and by the way...I have learned so much about nutrition from the food diary and the helpful friends I have...not to mention the tips and recipes. Many many benefits!
  • Wow! Thanks for all the support. I have a good feeling about this ‘kick’. Hopefully this will be the turning point I’ve been looking for.

    Thanks again,
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