Eating. Sadly Too little, need some help! Part 2

Okay uh
9:30 2 egg whites, 1 slice extra lean turkey bacon, 2 cups of steamed spinach
12:30 1 cup of mixed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots) 2.5oz of ground chicken breast grilled ( 1 Tablespoon of leeks, mushroom, onion and garlic mixed in win the meat) and 2 leafs of lettuce
4:00 smoothie 1 cup of frozen strawberries, 1 banana, protein powder and ice
7:00 Portebello Mushroom cap with 1/4 cup of tomatoes, leeks,onions, garlic, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon Of grated parmesan

So this is a typical day for me and I still cannot hit my calorie goal. In my first post I didn't add what my diary looks like and this is what it is typically. If I am sleeping later then I have a salad or something. My diet is sorta strict. I am a body rocker ! I must have protein in every meal and at least 1 cup of vegetables. Carbs like whole wheat bread and pasta are earned after a workout.


  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    Try high calorie high protein things like nuts, edamame beans or avacado. The blue diamond honey roasted almonds are an amazing and avacado is supper yummy sliced up with some lime juice and a tiny bit or salt.