just wondering !!!

Does it matter that much what u eat ? As long as u stay under calories and dont go over the recommended daily in takes would this matter to much ? typically i have a bowl of no added sugar alpen for breakfast and lunch with rivta snacks in between.. then have anything for dinner... could anyone tell me if this is ok or not pls thanks :wink:


  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    YES... it matters. Eat HEALTHY. Find good foods you enjoy eating.
  • if you have a hard time changing what you eat, find "healthier" versions of it. that way you don't feel like you've given up food you love, but it's still better for you.

    lots of people will tell you to eat clean- but really, if that's not something you can see yourself being able to do for the rest of your life, it's NOT GOING TO WORK.

    start off with finding healthier food of things you already like. it'll help you stay on track.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I am wondering also.
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    It does... in that Sugar and Sodium can both make you bloat or retain water if you eat too much of them, and fiber can have an effect also (generally if you eat too little)

    And eating too much fat just makes you feel nasty.
  • Yes it matters. You need to spread your calories out over the day, if you eat like a bird durning the day so you can pig out at one meal you surely wont lose weight. You body burn caloreis as it goes. It also is what you eat too, you need to fuel your body, you can only burn so much surgar or carbs at a time so if you eat to much all at once daily u are not gonna lose, just not healthy either you will find urself tired. If ya do it here and there it wont effect ya but long term it will do ya no good. peopple need a healthy balance of foods thru out he day.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    It matters. A diet of potato chips that stays under your calorie goal obviously isn't as good as a balanced diet.

    I keep these keys in mind

    - low fat proteins (like grilled chicken, fish)
    - get your calcium - dairy, some veggies, a suppliment if you have to
    - lots of veggies and fruits.
    - high fibre foods. They keep you feeling full but usally provide a lower calorie punch. Four apples has the same calories as a bag of chips. Which fills you up more?
    - enjoy some fun food every day. Save a few calories for your favourite chocolate, or a donut once in a while. Life is too boring to eat veggies all the time.

    Keep it in balance, eat smaller meals during the day instead of one or two big meals, and eat a large variety of healthy foods.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    It will be a constant disagreement. While it is better for your overall health to eat healthier, non-processed foods as much as possible, no, it ultimately won't matter to your weight loss.

    When I started on MFP I ate packaged cereal bars for breakfast, microwave frozen meals for lunch and pre-packaged 100 cal snacks literally every single day. I also had fresh fruit and veggies in there as well. Dinners were typically Subway, the low cal Applebee's meals, cans of soup, home made sandwiches or other similar items. Never looked at macros with more than a passing glance and only paid attention to my calorie total.

    I lost 2lbs a week steadily through my first 36 pounds. Once I got closer to my goal weight I then reevaluated a lot since I'd plateaued and do a lot more home cooking and eat cleaner/healthier. But really, it never did anything to make my weight loss any better in the long run and I don't really feel any different than when I was eating all the processed food. Well, except I have less free time cuz I spend so much time in the kitchen now. So I don't torture myself over turning to frozen meals or the occasional processed snack.