I want to TRI

I want to train to do a triathlon next spring. I am starting out as a couch potato so this is going to be quite a feat, but I'm excited to try it out. Any overweight, un-athletic people out there that have done this before...I would love to hear from you. I kind of just need the reassurance that it's possible. :)


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I would say the first place to start would be the c25k program.

  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    It is sooooo possible. I signed up for my first tri before I learned to swim so if I can do it, anyone can. I had a friend teach me the basics of swimming and I spent enough time in the pool to learn what I needed to do. What's nice about a tri is you don't have to do any one thing for too long. You swim a bit, you bike a bit, and you run a bit. Love it. It's my sport of choice. You will love it once you start.

    Just remember....I tri, therefore I am broke. Once you really get involved, there is a ton of cool stuff you might find yourself buying. Of course you can do without most of it, but it's fun to have anyway.
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    I started with my first Iron Girl last year and am doing three this year - two already done! You can totally do this. You have plenty of time! Here's a link that might get you started. They have training and nutrition guidelines. http://www.active.com/triathlon/
  • jolenna
    jolenna Posts: 5 Member
    It's definitely do-able! I was 274 when I first started to work out and 260lbs when I started running. Last summer I was asked to do run the 5k part of a Tri as part of a relay team. I haven't done a full Tri yet but I've continued to add to my workout. This year I ran and did the bike portion of a Tri. I've worked hard and have lost 75lbs since then. I was going to do a full tri this year but have instead decided to get my speed and endurance up with biking and running. I fully believe that with hard work and determination you can do a full triathlon.
  • thereseofdoom
    thereseofdoom Posts: 66 Member
    I agree 100% with the Couch to 5k suggestion!!! Great program!!!!!
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Tris are fun! Start low, slow, and short :) No need to really do the C25k. Google beginnertriathlete. Its a website with tons of training plans and tips. Good luck, have fun!