Bowflex Workout???

BecBe4 Posts: 20
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
My husband aquired a Bowflex yesterday, I think it's just a basic model but I'm not completely sure. I'm thinking about using it but I worry about bulking up. I have no desire to be bulky, but a little more toned wouldn't be a bad thing. I'm 27 years old, 5'0" and have 23lbs still to loose. My question is how do I use the Bowflex so I get the greatest benefit out of it - loosing weight, tone up a bit but no bulking up??? They always look like body builders on the commercials and I don't want that.

Thanks for the advice peeps!


  • mhig011975
    mhig011975 Posts: 181
    If you want to get lean/tone you will want to do less weight and more reps.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    unless you are taking something extra, like steriods, it is almost impossible for women to bluk up like you see on TV. I don't have experience with one but i am sure there is a ton of stuff on youtube.
  • purnurple
    purnurple Posts: 102
    if it has the black thing at the end of it (its black and soft and its looks like two black tolit paper rolls) those are great for toning up.
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    If you want to get lean/tone you will want to do less weight and more reps.

    Actually I own a boflex and the instruction manual tells you not to do this ^^^. Women do not bulk up unless they eat a TON of extra calories/protein and do heavy heeeeavy lifting.

    A boflex is great to get toned. I use mine all the time. The instructions suggest doing 8-12 reps at a reasonable weight but doing the reps slowing- 4 seconds out, 4 seconds back. This has worked for me. The boflex is all about resistance so the slow reps really work.

    Hope this helps!

    I found this website the other day. I think it could be a good idea to just click on the parts of your body that you would like to tone (ex: abs, legs, etc.) and just do those workouts. That way you can focus on certain parts of your body and not necessarily get bulky all-around?
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Yeah, lay off the creatine, and the human growth hormone. Try to avoid shooting yourself up with testosterone, if you can manage. Eat well and you'll be able to use the bowflex for resistance training and build beautiful, lean, toned muscles, NOT Bulk. Women just don't have enough testosterone to build the you-wouldn't-like-me-when-I'm-angry muscles without some chemical help.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Honestly, I don't think you CAN look like the women in the bowflex commercials. We have one, and unless you take some testosterone supplements and buy more rods than what comes with it, you're not going to look like that.

    My husband has bulked up a bit though.
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