feeling stuck

So what do you do when you feel stuck in a rut? I was out of town this weekend and was extremely active, but it wasn't at the gym and now that I'm back home I'm having trouble getting back into my good routine of eating healthy, working out, and drinking a ton of water. I just feel stuck and need some help getting myself back into the swing of things...


  • amazondan
    Best way to get on another winning streak is to do the first day. Then you're much more motivated to do the second day. And third and so on. BUT you've got to do that first day before the others can happen.
  • bhagavatilad1
    keep entering your diary and so what if you slacked off you probably didn't eat the right foods while you were gone so you're feeling sluggish. Just make sure you are honest in your diary keep eating the right foods and exercise when you are ready. Good Luck.
  • Shawn_Marie
    I have had to force myself to go to the gym ... I wasn't able to go on sat or sun so monday on my 45 minute commute I kept going back and forth ... should I go to the gym, nah go tomorrow ... I forced myself to go and felt awesome after the workout.