my blog wouldnt work!

Im not doing well on my diet anymore. I mean I still eat healthier and go to the gym, but for whatever reason my body has lost and gained the same 3 lbs over and over again!!

I feel like maybe I should consider Lapband or Alli to help me get this OFF!!!!!!!!!

Im happy Ive lost 40lbs yet I still feel disgusting! A girl who weighs 245lbs is not cute! And I want to lose another 60lbs but apparently I cant do it on my own :(

I put on a fake front and pretend I like the way I look but really I just want everyone to think Im doing well.... tho Im not.

I either workout to much and not eat enough or vice versa... but in the end there is too many opinions on how I should be losing weight, that I cant figure out which methods are right for me!

I guess Im destined to be a fatty tho I wish fat came with happiness